Samstag, 30. März 2013

The resurrection-way Easter 2013

In view of our Christian belief God has given us: Life, Creation, Light.
God challenges us to live, to shape, to shine - it's a way...
Life is: birth and death; Creation is build up and decay; Light is: light and dark;
Let's accept the participation with all this fullness of Life.
Symbol is for us Jesus Christ
as we follow him, we go the resurrection-way -
it's we - not me - going this way.
The Church is a try / an experiment to go this way together.

Freitag, 29. März 2013

MEMORIAL - Service Holy Friday 2013 St. Anthony Otjiwarongo

Our Memorial-Service today is dedicated to the Profet JvN;
he died on the cross the death by engagement.
The Service may encourages us in the same engagement.
Jesus was engaged to show us a new understanding of God,
a new picture of the Holy Mystery (named God).
The Pharisees have nearly successfully turned the intention of Jesus
into a political matter. They never have accepted JvN as the revealer
of a new picture of God. Jesus has changed Religion from a
God-managing agency into "respect of the Holy Mystery"
For the Pharisees the Jahwe-God is revenge for the enemies and
salvator of the jewisch people. For JvN God is Healer of all and
Redeemer of all and Justice and Peace for all and He challenges
all of us into the fullness of Life.
Jesus has practised this picture of God and therefore was crucified
for his engagement.
Jesus's proclamation "The Kingdom of God is at hand" means:
A) God is good for all, He loves all
B) God has already poured out all His GRACE into the World
C) God challenges all of us to participate with the fullness of Life for all.
We hope this may be also our Christian engagement for our time-space.

Samstag, 23. März 2013

Holy Week - God in action

Palm-Sunday: Jesus goes public
                      "The kingdom of God is at hand"  this slogan is for the public!
                      Everybody is invited to discover this truth.
                pls note: "truth is something that can be thought of only by believing it".

Service-Thursday: Jesus declares himself as the Bread for the Life of the World
                            und washes the feet of his Apostles.
             Everybody is invited to declare him/herself as bread and to keep his/her
             activity as a Service.

Holy-Friday: Death is nature. Death by engagement is more - human!
                   Death is the personal loss of all (Life and World and God).
                   If Life is a gift - it may be given once and for all.

Silent-Saturday: The music has gone, the pictures put out, the feelings extinct,
                          the thinking rests...   the emptyness offers the brightest
                          possibilities - call Life into reality.

Easter-Sunday: we celebrate the resurrection-way - an invitation for all.

Sonntag, 17. März 2013

Independence - an ILLUSION ? ? ?

On 21 March 2013 we are going to celebrate in Namibia our political Independence since 1990. As we got what we wished - some people speak now about economical
Independence as our future - a hard way. And there after ? Independent from the World ? We are on the dead-end street !

As we assume: God is the creator, we better go to accept his created reality:
that the whole creation is an Inter-Dependent-Net-Work. (IDNW). Nothing is really independent, nothing ! Have a look at the family - there is a wonderfull Inter-
dependence - if not: the family is in danger! On the political, economical, scientifical
stage - we discover more and more "Independence" is a dangerous ILLUSION.
Why do people speak so strongly against the evident reality ?
Don't forget: the loss of the sense for reality, the Illusion of Independence is a mental illness or a political tactic to cover up the facts.
No person no star no creed in nothing is ever independent. All is dwelling in IDNW.

What we need is more freedom ! FREEDOM is the space we have within our total Inter-Dependence to make our own responsible decisions.
We need space in the interdependent situation to make a free decision about our own place, about our own contribution within the Inter-Dependent-Net-Work.
Only as we first accept our political, economical, cultural Inter-Dependence -
we are fit to discover and to fight for our best place within the great Net.
May I wish more ? Yes ! I wish we may learn to enjoy our Inter-Dependence.
By this enjoyment I will discover the value of my people, the value of open co-operation. I will discover: a good relationship is all !
"God saw all he had made, and indeed it was very good" Gn 1.31  a pleasure !

Donnerstag, 14. März 2013

Habemus PAPAM: Francis 1

He is not a Namibian, not an African, not a Woman; he was not a front-runner;
he was also not in my view - I have optet for L.A. Tagle of Manila / 56 years old.
He is not a Swiss - but as neutral, as ecumenism-minister - would be a signal!

He is from the other side of the world - it's Mr.Jorge Mario Bergoglio.He is a retired Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina. At the conclave of 2005 he was second; but now 76 years old he has to take over from the winner in 2005. He is a Jesuit, he never worked in the Curia in Rome - he is an outsider; but he is the first from Latin-America.

I'm open for a surprise...
Three signs got on the Vatican-Balkony my attention (TV-AJE - 13.03.13):
A) He has asked to pray for him - and has started: "Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory to" known as a conservativ kind of praying. Herewith he has taken all the 1.2 Billion Catholics into the Community of prayers - who ask Mary, then Jesus and finally God to help to solve the world-problems. The other view: God is seen as a
challenger - He has given into the hand of all of us the task to solve together the
World-Life-problems and to rejoy life together.
B) He asks the crowd to do him a favour: I wand you to bless me. That's the contrary to the great blessing "urbi et orbi" on the great feast-days. Now we have to look after a ceremony to bless the Pope - how do we do it really!
bene-dicere = to call him good.
C) The Vatican-Balcony-Performance was modest. No big speech, no great proclamation only a simple presentation...   now all is open...  vedremo!
For Ailly - the waiting for the Pope was boring - and as he finally came, she saw him
and fell into a calm sleep.

Donnerstag, 7. März 2013

4th L-Sun Lk 15.1-3,11-32 LOST ? (10.03.13)

A wonderfull story - very famous - but only understandable if you see
the addressees: pharisees and scribes... the elder son!
a story for people seeing themseves as just and scholared.

Lk shows: God is no problem; God loves the elder and the younger...
but maybe, that's the problem of some people: God loves every life-style.
Let's go deeper: God has nothing to do with any Life-style
                          God is a challenge - and we present our way of Life

The younger son get a good share on the fullness of Life
       he enjoys life at home; he get his share of the estate, he get off...
       he expriences squandering and debauchery...
       but also "dying of hunger", feeling the pinch, hiring out himself,
       less than a pig,
       coming to his senses, consciousness of being a sinner, deciding to go home
In his way, fullness of Life means: lost + found; dead + living; troubles + plaisir...

The older son, working well, obedient - sees the behaviour of the younger as wrong;
       And he is now the problem - he cannot tolerate an other life-style.
In his way, fullness of Life means: to discover what all he got.

In our Christian Community - which Life-style are we going to accept ???
Ecumenism means: accepting a lot of different ways to present Jesus Christ...

3d L-Sun Lk 13.1-9 PATIENCE (03.03.13)

On this weekend (Friday - Sunday) we performed in APC-Tsumeb
1.) an on-going-formation course for all music-teachers of the three APC's
2.) a public concert Saterday-evening
3.) music-exams for 3 new teachers...
In all three APC's are 30 people employed -
and one great task is the development of this Staff !!!

How many times (as a formator) I've to tell the Managing-Director's
    "pls give me time to educate them - it may bear fruit next year"
As I speake to the Staff or to the children:
How many times I repeat my words to be understood ???

In a planning society you know we will reach the goal in 3 months - you prepare
to be patient for three months; in a non-planning society you never know when you reach your goal - you need an endless patience - it's impossible, because...
God's patience with you is limited... He gives you some years - but mostly not 1oo !

2nd L-Sun "TRANSFIGURATION" Lk 9.28-36 (24.02.13)

The Apostle Peter      (leader of the Christian Community of Rom
The Apostle James    ( leader of the Christian Community of Jerusalem
The Apostle John       (special friend of Jesus
Lk tells us: These three main-Apostles, they look at Jesus again and again
First: he is for them the one who has called them, the new profet of Nazareth,
         he is the firstborn son of the carpenter-family Joseph
         he is a famous healer, somehow a "stranger"...
Sec.  The Apostles are on the way do discover more...
         they see in HIM a Moses-figure:
                       ( the one who has a new name for God
                       ( the liberator of Israel out of slavery
                       (the bringer of the 10 commandments
         they see in HIM an Elijah-figure:
                       (the one who burns down the gods
                       (the one who drives the heavon by fire-horses

Such "transfiguration" is a special human capacity. Again and again we see something or somebody and we add more and more new "meanings"
into the old picture, we are on a discovery-journey...
first: we see a house         later: we make it a home
first: we see a girl             later: she becomes a gril-friend
first: we see a rose           later: we use it as a gift
first: we see a profet         later: we adore him as a "Son of God"
first: we see braed       later: we eat the "body of Christ"
first: we "see" Jahwe     later: we discover a Mystery