Donnerstag, 14. März 2013

Habemus PAPAM: Francis 1

He is not a Namibian, not an African, not a Woman; he was not a front-runner;
he was also not in my view - I have optet for L.A. Tagle of Manila / 56 years old.
He is not a Swiss - but as neutral, as ecumenism-minister - would be a signal!

He is from the other side of the world - it's Mr.Jorge Mario Bergoglio.He is a retired Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina. At the conclave of 2005 he was second; but now 76 years old he has to take over from the winner in 2005. He is a Jesuit, he never worked in the Curia in Rome - he is an outsider; but he is the first from Latin-America.

I'm open for a surprise...
Three signs got on the Vatican-Balkony my attention (TV-AJE - 13.03.13):
A) He has asked to pray for him - and has started: "Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory to" known as a conservativ kind of praying. Herewith he has taken all the 1.2 Billion Catholics into the Community of prayers - who ask Mary, then Jesus and finally God to help to solve the world-problems. The other view: God is seen as a
challenger - He has given into the hand of all of us the task to solve together the
World-Life-problems and to rejoy life together.
B) He asks the crowd to do him a favour: I wand you to bless me. That's the contrary to the great blessing "urbi et orbi" on the great feast-days. Now we have to look after a ceremony to bless the Pope - how do we do it really!
bene-dicere = to call him good.
C) The Vatican-Balcony-Performance was modest. No big speech, no great proclamation only a simple presentation...   now all is open...  vedremo!
For Ailly - the waiting for the Pope was boring - and as he finally came, she saw him
and fell into a calm sleep.

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