Donnerstag, 7. März 2013

3d L-Sun Lk 13.1-9 PATIENCE (03.03.13)

On this weekend (Friday - Sunday) we performed in APC-Tsumeb
1.) an on-going-formation course for all music-teachers of the three APC's
2.) a public concert Saterday-evening
3.) music-exams for 3 new teachers...
In all three APC's are 30 people employed -
and one great task is the development of this Staff !!!

How many times (as a formator) I've to tell the Managing-Director's
    "pls give me time to educate them - it may bear fruit next year"
As I speake to the Staff or to the children:
How many times I repeat my words to be understood ???

In a planning society you know we will reach the goal in 3 months - you prepare
to be patient for three months; in a non-planning society you never know when you reach your goal - you need an endless patience - it's impossible, because...
God's patience with you is limited... He gives you some years - but mostly not 1oo !

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