Sonntag, 17. März 2013

Independence - an ILLUSION ? ? ?

On 21 March 2013 we are going to celebrate in Namibia our political Independence since 1990. As we got what we wished - some people speak now about economical
Independence as our future - a hard way. And there after ? Independent from the World ? We are on the dead-end street !

As we assume: God is the creator, we better go to accept his created reality:
that the whole creation is an Inter-Dependent-Net-Work. (IDNW). Nothing is really independent, nothing ! Have a look at the family - there is a wonderfull Inter-
dependence - if not: the family is in danger! On the political, economical, scientifical
stage - we discover more and more "Independence" is a dangerous ILLUSION.
Why do people speak so strongly against the evident reality ?
Don't forget: the loss of the sense for reality, the Illusion of Independence is a mental illness or a political tactic to cover up the facts.
No person no star no creed in nothing is ever independent. All is dwelling in IDNW.

What we need is more freedom ! FREEDOM is the space we have within our total Inter-Dependence to make our own responsible decisions.
We need space in the interdependent situation to make a free decision about our own place, about our own contribution within the Inter-Dependent-Net-Work.
Only as we first accept our political, economical, cultural Inter-Dependence -
we are fit to discover and to fight for our best place within the great Net.
May I wish more ? Yes ! I wish we may learn to enjoy our Inter-Dependence.
By this enjoyment I will discover the value of my people, the value of open co-operation. I will discover: a good relationship is all !
"God saw all he had made, and indeed it was very good" Gn 1.31  a pleasure !

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