Freitag, 15. November 2013

33 Sun C Lk 21.5-19 ENDURANCE

Until today people admire the beauty..  arts, religion, landscape, science etc...
and Jesus comes with a "reality-shock": everything will be destroyed!
People living in a state of illusion will ask: when and what sign ? anger / trouble!
In front of the temple it's hart to believe...
But today we know at least after 4 1/2 billion years our sun-system will explode.

Jesus take the chance to open our CHRISTIAN eyes:

A) What ever happen... revolutions, wars, Haiyan, tsunami, plagues, famine,
refugees-streams, earthquakes, finance-crashes ...
take care... rise up your attention... know and see and hear what's going on

B) What ever your experiences in such situations: betrayal, persecution, death...
take the chance to bear wittness...
don't forget: you are called to proclaim the Kingdom of God;
                                          to introduce a NEW Heaven + a NEW EARTH
your conviction about God as challenging LIGHT about the resurrection of Jesus
Christ gives you wisdom and eloquence enough ...

C) and keep in mind ENDURANCE is all; don't give in...   keep going...

Jesus himself has given the example: through all the circumstances he kept
his mission...  no matter what happend: betrayal, persecution, death...
he kept going...  endurance through all difficulties...he kept the conviction:

Endurance today is much more difficult then ever. In an all-changing world,
in a world you learn more and more, there are great new discoveries...
what is it - you keep on ?  What you once learnt is today old stuff; and you
are not any more what you once has been...  what do you keep on ?
If you have discovered and secured your mission...keep it ! ? !
Maybe your mission is your personality. Jesus "I am the bread of Life".

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