Freitag, 29. November 2013

First Advent Sunday 01.12.2013

WE START AGAIN.... a new Church-year to celebrate the Life of Jesus Christ.
How was ist in 2013 ?  We felt "going with the Church ?" or we stay in good distance ? How strange the Church became for me in 2013 ?
How should it be in 2014 ?  I'm going to integrate myself into the Catholic Community in order to serve Humanity ?
But sure - it cannot be every year the same - it's a pity! Development is better !

Going with the Church means:
1.) I keep myself informed.
I like to know what's going on in my Community, in the Diocese and in the World-Church. Why hot subscribe to the "Southern Cross" ? and read it carefully !
2.) I keep myself going.
I will participate in the Church-events: Holy Mass; Sacraments; Feasts, Actions...
but don't forget: doing my work very rightly in my profession, on my work-place -
that's also a Church-action!
3.) I bring myself into some Church-activities.
In the Holy Mass:  I sing; I listen; I may become a reader; a catechist !
Do we have a group who is ready to prepare the Sunday Mass in the Parish ?
In a Church-group: I become a member; I bring in my ideas; my contribution!
In this way I will become in 2014 an active member of the Catholic Community!
We need Sunday-Service people !

We know the Cath. Cty is part of the acting Body of Christ in our time. There is hope: we may do what JvN has done 2000 years ago. We open our people to see and to hear what's going on and to react in a good healty style. We empower our people to participate in the public life, to make decisions and improvements.

To build up a strong Church-Community - let me know: what can you do better for you and for all ?  There are a lot of complaints: corruption, gbv, passion-killings,
stealing, missunderstandings, revenge etc...  what may I do alone ?
But as a faith-based Community - we can do very much!

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