Donnerstag, 21. November 2013

34 Sun C / Lk 23.35-43 END

We also celebrate the end of the Year of Faith. 
I hope it's not the end of faith but rather it was a renewal of faith.
But serious: what did you do in favour of such a renewal ?
Faith has changed during 2013 or not at all ?
You know faith is a seed, planted in every soul.

I draw a picture of faith:
A) We all are in one boat; we are convinced: the waves carry us.
B) We are quite busy: we eat fish, we row. But the salty water we don't drink...
C) We decide to sing: "Jesus, remember me, when you come into your kingdom".

A) Faith is here a subject we are embedded in. All of us participate with the
conviction: the Universe is somehow stable. Without such faith life is impossible.
Faith is in every person the human power of trust.

B) Some objects we believe are good for us; but to some objects we revoke faith.
We don't believe in you any more... we don't trust anymore...  That's an interesting
development... some objects loose reality.

C) Before we do something, we have already decided: that's something for us.
I believe means: I have decided that's something for me; it's a reality in my view.
I believe in God means: I have decided God is a reality (good for me).

Faith is a subject, we are in; faith is against an object we are attracted to; faith is an activity, we decide for.

Faith is much ore than a religious matter. Faith is human! Faith is the decision: yes I am somebody. I am nobody is a contradiction: is no faith.
And as much as we are able to say YES to me, so we say YES to Us, to the Universe - and maybe to God.

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