Freitag, 18. April 2014


Palm-Sunday: For religious pious people of today - what means Palm-Sunday ?
Until now the Prophet of Nazareth is well known as a healer - for his enterprise:
the kingdom of God is at hand ! The fulness of Life is possibel ! as a first step:
people must be open (healed).
But now in the real world-situation his enterprise enters the political stage !
A new King for a new World! Palm-Sunday-Celebration means: we welcom the
"new king for the new world". We sing Hosianna...   we enjoy the entrance-procession; we are full of hope...
As we open the development of the old world into the new world, as we enter into the manipulation of the evolution, we open a very interesting but difficult way; how is reacting the existing old world to the promised new world ? Will there be confrontation ? of which kind ?

Are the baptized people aware that now the Baptism-card is not enough any more ?
As you follow Jesus Christ, singing Hosianna, you have no other way than to become a "politician". Together in public we work for a new world... 
It's nice to be a good person at home, to fulfill your familiar duties etc... but now you must get a political card. Not only the heart of the person is to be changed also the structure of the world has to be changed.

But don't be too afraid. The Catholic Church in Namibia is not ready to do such a step. Catholics go to the Church to pray: to ask God, HE may change the world;
Catholics as such they don't like to change... it's the duty of the Creator to change the world. Look at the prayers in all these Holy Days...   we like to remind God
to do the best for us and the world...   but we ?

Tha National PRAYER-DAY (06.03.2014) was a success...  but until now, the situation has not changed...  gbv goes on and on... 
and the Church has not the courage to declare: God has given the responsibility for the world into our hands! as the Body of Christ is given into our hands...
to transform God and Christ into Energy / radiation for a new world for a new Life.

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