Montag, 28. April 2014

Easter - time 2014: fresh wind ?

This liturgical time is a chance to consider the meaning of the Christian message:
Our God is "God of Life". Therefore He has called Jesus Christ into Life - and this:
for ever and ever.
AND WE ? ? ?
A) We hope God is also for us "God of Life" and He will call us, like Jesus Christ,
     into "Life for ever and ever".
B) But - today such hope is not enough...   we have to go a step further...
    We believe - it means: we declare and keep it as a reality, that God has already
    called us into "Life for ever and ever"; it's a FACT !
C) Taking "Life for ever and ever" as a reality, we try to shape our daily Life as a sign
    of this Easter-message. Our Life-style becomes a message.
D) The next step: we have to broaden our view. This Life-message is not only for me,
     it's a message for all. This is the raeson why we start to go together.
    Togetherness - love each other - means: we accept "Life for ever and ever" is for
    the whole creation.
[Jesu Life-style is not for many or for all - but for the Life of the World !]

The Easter-message is somehow clear but the messanger is not up to date!
a) The Church is not able to bring this message to the people convincingly.
b) The Church didn't create a language for the message to be understood in this
    modern world.
c) The Church refuses to change, to be reformed again.

Nicodemus already got the message (John 3.1-8): In the Christian Vision Jesus, man, the creation is born out of God (not only out of nature) - and this is a new view: born out of the "fulness of Life", out of the Spirit of God (in my translation:
born out of the "ENERGY of God")

IF this is the case: why we are beggar before God ? as the Church teaches us until today (2014). why we have slave-obedience in the Church as the bishops asks for ?
Why the human energy is not challenged - but suppressed even by Church-law ?

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