Dienstag, 1. April 2014

WHICH kind of future is intended ?

The October-Bishops-Synod 2014 of the RCC and the National Prayer-Day in Namibia (06.03.2014) - such EVENTS show us "where we are" and such EVENTS may waken us up to heal the difficult situation.
The modern State may learn to act following the Constitution as secular and
the religious Christianity may learn following the prophet of Nazareth to perform a secular style of Christianity. The religious myths of the past are "desalinated",
unmasked ("Religion" is discovered as the administration of God by human beings).
God as the HOLY MYSTERY and his IMAGE created by homo sapiens again and again are not identical. The Spirit of the World as Creation, the World as LOGOS-Revelation is at hand. We have to manage the echo of the reality.

Already the prophet Isaiah (67.17-21) knows the decision of God:
"Now I create new heavens and new earth"  Be glad and rejoice for ever...

Once upon a time there were a boy + a girl. The boy thanked God for what he has created and the girl wondered: Why your creation is not perfect ? Finally God answered: At the moment as I have created Adam + Eve, I' ve decided: they will not be for nothing ! And the boy nodded: thanks for hands, brain and heart, given at our disposal ! But the girl still persists: why - as your hands, your brain, your heart - we don't make it perfect ?  And God whispers: because you are perfect like me: never ends, no boundaries, always a new creation...

The new cration is not made by God's intervention !
The stewards must come together and go in three directions:
a) In our situation WHAT do WE have to do ?
b) HOW WE do it ?
c) As WE are now the joy of perfection.

God has rescued me from my illusions (not to be for nothing)
                                from my loneliness (we are 7 billions)
                                from  my enemies (we are one)
                                from my darkness (it's now dawn / resurrection-way)

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