Samstag, 4. Oktober 2014

"The PEACE will be with YOU" 27 Sun A

A) Is now Paulus out of reality ? (Phil 4.6-9) "There is no need to worry..."
That is his message today - and what is the reality of Namibia ? For what do we need a Bishops-Synode ? I feel: there is much reason to worry ! ! !
The solution for Paulus: "pray... and the peace of God will guard your hearts and thoughts". I wonder what Paulus meant by "PRAY" ???
And now something more: "fill your mind with everything that is true, noble, virtous..." positiv thinking ? Is it the famous reminder: "calm down" ?

B) And now the parable (Mt 21.33-43): The killing of the servants and finally of the SON by the tenants of the vineyard - Is this not enough reason to worry ?
And the solution ? other tenants ! they will do better ?  And the warning:
"the kingdom of God will be taken away from you!"   No reason to worry ???

C) And now the Bishops-Synode (to open today in Rome: 05.10.2014) about
"marriage and family". The Bishops will pray ! They will fill their mind with every- thing that is true ?? (if they are ready to discover the reality) Will they hear the warning: "The Kingdom of God will be taken away from you!" ??? They don't believe such warning is meant for them.

D) In this situation Isaiah (5.1-7) asks: "What could I have done for my vineyard that I have not done ?"  - a very interesting question !
(I expected it to yield grapes, why did it yield sour grapes instead ?)

E) That is prayer, that is: fill your mind... that we discover "WHAT did WE DO ?"
 (that marriage and family-life has gone sooo wrong...) "what did we NOT do... ??
The Bishops will accuse the world...  WE (the Church) are right !

F) This Self-examination, EVALUATION of the Church in the face of the Mystery
of God, in the face of the WORLD-REALITY, in the face of our real Church-Situation - (if they are ready to see it!) -  this is our daily PRAYER and I hope the prayer of the Bishops-Synode.
Such a MINDFULL PRAYER will bring peace -
but sorry: such a mindfull prayer is not on the agenda !

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