Freitag, 10. Oktober 2014

The very difficult INVITATION - 28 Sun A

The wedding feast is ready (Mt 22.1-10) as is the Kingdom of God at hand...
it means: nearby; possible today...  but also the Church (as a means of introduction)
likes to be ready, the Sacraments show readiness, the Holy Mass is to begin...

Now the big moment: let's announce to all the invited guests: it's time to show up!
But what a des-illusion... to discover the reality ! they dont' show up...
(the participation with the Holy Mass is very low...)

Tray again (don't realize the way may fail): let's explain what the feast offers...
what grace the Church brings, what joy the celebration evokes...
what great work is done for you - dear invited chosen guests.
This time the reality-shock is even greater:
a) the invited guests are not interested with this great offer
b) their interest is directed towards other, "better offers..."
c) it's worse: the invited chosen guests are furious against the wedding-offer... killing is going on (like last Sunday)...
d) there is escalation: the king burns down the town of the chosen invited guests.

Now the king changes his strategy in order to celebrate the wedding-feast:
Now everyone is invited... global unrestricted invitation...
in this kind of invitation you risk to collect "bad + good alike".

What I see: 1.) How far God and his kingdom is changing the strategy.
2.) How broad are the interest of the people and many are in no way interested with what we think is the best for them.
3.) How great the risk if you invite everybody...  the situation of today... global
evangelisation / invitation... and on the other hand:
it's good: the not interested people are off... at least somehow... and not lost!
but we are now a celebration of "bad + good alike" (sinner + saints) !
with the great Challenge to unite (and not to separate).
4.) How important for our Work to see, to hear, to touch the reality -
to reduce the illusion about world, church and God.

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