Mittwoch, 24. Juni 2015

crossing over ... know the other side...

We cross over from one riverbank to the other, from birth to death, from this world into the Kingdom of God, from morning to evening, from the single-status to marriage, from the family into the Christian Community (by Baptism).
Crossing over is a normal passage; something we live in! There is all the time a great question accompanying us: WHAT's on the other side ?

After we have woken up Jesus and He has calmed down the situation, we see what happen "on the other side" (Mk 5.21-43). It's a vision:
A) There is confidence in Jesus (come and lay hands on her / save her life).
B) There is encouragement (only have faith / don't be afraid)
C) There is discovery of reality (the child is not dead / but asleep)
D) There is empowerment (talitha kum / I tell you to get up)
E) There is great astonishment (give her to eat / celebrate a great dinner)

This VISION is on the way in the Christian Community (at least we hope so):
a) Everyone asks the Cty "pls save my life" (bc the Christ.Cty is a life-saving one).
b) The Cty answers: Yes, sure we do it! Don' t be afraid - we do whatever we can to safe your life. We know you need not only nature but people; this is why we welcome you from our heart and we show you that you are welcomed.
c) The Cty goes to see, to discover the real situation of every member: the strength, the weaknesses, the relations and the web of lies... the chances and the barriers. Only by knowing each other we are able to help rightly. It's a sensitive matter.
d) The Cty empowers every member to go upright, to walk his/her way; it's like electrifying; to deliver the strength to do the right thing. To empower people, to animate people to discover their own abilities, to lead them to get self-esteem - what an ART!
e) The effective Spirit (the Intention of God) of the Cty to unite, to heal leads to the celebration of the Eucharist. But in modern time we may be creative enough to 
celebrate in a form that enjoy and nourishes our faith.

Paulus (2 Cor 8.7-9,13-15) describing the other side, says: You always have the most of everything... Jesus was rich...  to make you rich (out of his poverty)... it's a question of balance...   (by sharing).
And the Book of Wisdom says: "Death was not God's doing; to be - for this he created all!

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