Sonntag, 30. August 2015


Moses (Deut 4.1-2): Now Israel, take notice of the laws and customs that I teach you today, and observe them, that you may have life and may enter
of the land that God is giving you. You must add nothing to what I command you, and take nothing from it, but keep the commandments of your God just as I lay them down for you.
(1.17-18): It is all that is good, everything that is perfect, which is given us from above; it comes down from God; with him there is no such thing as alteration, no shadow of a change.

Such readings (actually a month before the Family-Synod 2015 of the Church)
are more than dangerous; it's catastrophic! For Moses and James it's clear: the law is given by God... this means: No change for ever! And because of Moses + Co, until today this is the conviction of the most part of the Church;
esp. the Bishops: NO CHANGE 

Yes: a stone is not going to change... but a flower, a tree, animals, humans, groups, society; tradition, culture ? Are we now children of the unchangeable LAW or the blossom of the humanity-tree?

We discover the mistake reading the introduction to this Sunday (Missal 22 Sun B): "the LAW of God is pure RELIGION; totally different from any man-made law or human tradition". That is pure dualism! No idea of:
God is working through his creation (humans). God is seen as dictator and the Church his servant... development by spirited people - forget it! The Holy Spirit poured out...  cf. confirmation... forget it!  cf. inspiration...  forget it!

Power-hungry people in the Church are convinced: we present his law, his authority and we have to dictate the way (what a hypocrisy). Thinking people are crazy, un-belivers. Such a Church-mentality will destroy Christianity.

Look at the prayer: "As it was in the beginning it's now and ever shall be"! Amen: Yes, that's it.
No wonder: modern people show the Church the back! There is no hope...
And Jesus: "look at the heart; from there evil intentions emerge..."
look at the Holy Mass: transformation...   NEW Heaven + NEW Earth!

Sonntag, 23. August 2015

This is intolerable language... 21 Sun B

First Joshua (24.1-2;15-18): The people answered: "We have no intention
of deserting the Lord. We too will serve the Lord, for HE is our God.
And then
Petrus (John 6.69): "Lord where shall we go? You have the message of eternal life, and we believe; we know you are the Holy One".
And the Sunday-Mass-
Community declares: I believe in God. We like to serve God. Thy will be done on earth as in heaven.
This is the frame.
And now
Jesus (John 6.1-69): "The bread I shall give is my flesh, for the life
of the world". "My flesh is real food and my blood real drink". "I am the living bread which has come from heaven".
And the
Apostles: "This is intolerable language. How could anyone accept it?"
And now
Paulus today (Eph 5.21-32): "Wives should regard their husbands as they regard the Lord, since as Christ is the head of the Church and saves the whole body, so is a husband the head of his wife; and as the Church submits to Christ, so should wives to their husband, in everything".
And the
Christian people of today: "This is intolerable language. How could anyone accept it?" We are an the way to accept "man and wife as equal".

Many teachings and much of the Church-Behavior came during the history of 2000 years of Christianity under the judgement: "This is intolerable language"
(unbearable, incomprehensible). And many of his disciples left him and stopped going with him - until today! The Church didn't find the turn.

Let's meditate the basis:
1. Christianity is incomprehensible as such by its nature and by human con..
2. Christianity is to live only as Community of believers (as Church).
3. Christianity is "the people of God on the way" (move or die).
4. Christianity is shaped by Grace + Blessings, by culture and nature.
5. Christianity has changed teachings and behavior many times.
6. Christianity is asked today again: Which shape is healing and uniting?

In regard of our teaching in matter of the marriage-sacrament and family-life we are on the brink of a new shape. The old teaching became intolerable,
and the new teaching?
Are we prepared for a new view? Are the Bishops able for a new intrinsic Christian view? Or are we by nature immovable? The Holy Spirit is poured out - but maybe, some will not listen to him; not discover the signs of the time.

Dienstag, 18. August 2015


***  For a Namibian - to be on time - there are only 2 reasons:
1. A Swiss-Feeling  2. One-goal-concentrated.
But - to be not on time - there are all the time 1000 reasons.
And reason 1001 is: God is not A Swiss; therefore the gates of Heaven
are open long after time. 

***  Did you ever know a Catholic who is attentive to the word of the Priest ? He tells them at the end of the Holy Mass: pls go !
But in vain... they don't go!
They continue to pray... maybe for ever and ever.

*** The moon is romantic-bad. He steels the light of the stars without having a own light ! Do you know such moon-people ?

HsL and Ailly about Mathematic:
Hs: How much is 1 + 1       Ailly (6 years old): 1 + 1 = 11
                                             Ailly (8 years old): 1 + 1 = 2
Hs: why the difference ?   Ailly: bc the School likes to change
                                                       what is right.

Ailly comes back from the North:
Hs:    How was it in the North (Owambo) ?
Aills: strange: a lot of nice dressed people; 4 people have married,
          but I didn't know who belongs to whom.
Hs:    How was the Church ?
Ailly: There was no Church; people only have prayed.
Hs:    Do you have a story ?
Ailly: Yes - there was no water; only broken pipes; no repair.
Hs:    How was coming back ?
Ailly: In Oshivelo we had to clean us from the dirtiness of the North.
Hs:    And now ?
Ailly: How do you honor my come-back ?

Mary Assumption 2015

As you go to prepare the "Maria-Assumption - Homily / FEAST" you know exactly: the mystery of this feast is inexplicable. Mary, the Mother of Jesus,
received in heaven, yes - but Mary received with "Body + Soul".!
Pope Pious XII has declared such a "Dogma" in 1950: it's infallible true ! but
it's not to explain.
In Christian view: 1. Abraham is called by God to go into a strange new land.
And he is as obedient as going...  and got it.  2. The people of God "Israel" is promised to get a land full of honey.  3. And today "the people of God" is on the way to heaven, the people like heaven - and most probably they will go one day into heaven - to rest in peace. Like Jesus, we know, all the Saints are in heaven and sure many more - so Mary and many "girl-mother without biological father". Heaven is not yet put in question, but " bodily in heaven"?
pls explain !
Look at the pious picture - pictures are artistic-artificial - and meditate the message: In Christian view: 1. The human body is heaven-dignified. The body is dust (grave), stardust (atomic) and heaven-dignified (an irreplaceable, indispensable component of fullness of Life). A good message for all body-minded, body-oriented people.  2. The hairstyle is only one part of your body...  the whole body in time is named "life-style". Your life-style is more than important, is totally dignified (heaven-dignified).  3. In Christian view: your life-style is decisive. I like to see you (your body) but I like to see much more of you: your life-style (how you manage your life).  4. Very sorry: the Church has forgotten: the confirmation-course may be a course named: "Life-style-management". But such a proposal is today beyond our Church-capacity.

*** For a Namibian - to be on time - there are only two reasons: 1. A Swiss-feeling  2. One-goal-concentrated. But - to be not on time - there are all the time 1000 reasons. And reason 1001 is: God is not a Swiss; the gates of Heaven are open long after time. 

*** Did you ever know a Catholic who is attentive to the word of the Priest? He tells them at the end of the Holy Mass: pls go! But in vain... they don't go!
They continue to pray... maybe for ever and ever.

*** The moon is romantic-bad. He steels the light of the stars without having a own light! Du you know such moon-people ?

Donnerstag, 13. August 2015

LIFE-STYLE / Compatibility of Body + Mind + Soul

Paulus gives LIFE-STYLE - advice (Eph 5.15-20)
for young and old Christians: how to behave, to think, to encounter...

1. Care very well about your LIFE-STYLE:
    make it an intelligent one, not an senseless one. your BRAND!
2. Never forget: LIFE-STYLE matters:
    it makes you a slave or it redeems you; makes you a lovely one.
3. Do you know: LIFE-STYLE reveals:
    you are thoughtless or God-will-conscious; a friend or a dictator.
4. LIFE-STYLE is a spiritual ART:
    how to encounter, how to engage, how to play, how to fight etc...
5. LIFE-STYLE is thanks-giving:
    to the next, to the group, the society, God.

The feast Mary-ASSUMPTION leads me to the question:
HOW was the LIFE-STYLE of Mary?
Cared for? Redeeming? God-will-conscious? Spiritual? Thanks-giving?
The Bible likes to tell us: YES / I'm glad to see how gifted she was...

Since 1950 we got the assurance by the CHURCH:
that Mary is accepted into Heaven,
med with BODY + SOUL.High level LIFE-STYLE made her taken into Heaven totally.

2015:  HEAVEN  =  fullness of Life
           Mary  =  a jewish Lady with Body + Mind + Soul;
                         born 16 years before JX in Nazareth.
            LIFE-STYLE  =  make BODY + MIND + SOUL compatible (intelligent).
Mary on the way into life, into the fullness of Life made compatible LIFE-STYLE decisions and experiences. Today the Bible and the Church like to show us: take serious Body + Mind + Soul; bring them into a fine compatibility - and your Life will be full-filled.
What happen to her is for us a possibility. Looking at her is an encouragement
to care for an compatible LIFE-STYLE. pls never forget: the BODY is its
significant expression; the BODY is IMAGE of Mind + Soul.

Donnerstag, 6. August 2015

HOW to perceive a PERSON ?

From the 17th to the 21st Sun B the Ev John likes to explain for his people
(2000 years ago) the self-consciousness of Jesus: "I am the Bread of Life".
It seems quite complicated but in reality it's a daily human experience!

As we open our eyes and admire the cosmos, the nature, the human-being -
whatever we see or discover -
it's of our making! Our perception / reception
(the eye, the ear, the mind...) characterizes all what we receive !!!
Some people are able to perceive the whole
creation as a word (mostly they speak about creation as revelation), a word as a message. You may be able to perceive a Person in the same way as a word, as a message for you. This happen for many in the case of JvN. Christians experience, hear Jesus as a "Word of God". The Ev John today remind us: "they will be taught by God" (John 6.41-51). It means for all Christian Churches:
JvN is accepted as "a lesson - given by God - to us - about humanity".
As we hear the teaching and learn from it - we will discover, or our discovery is confirmed: that "
people need people". It's in our human constitution (nature). Said by a poetic language: we are by nature for each other "bread + wine". This general fact - to put into action - it's up to you. And as a mature human-being, you will bring into your consciousness sometimes the names of people you have experienced as "bread + wine" for you. The Ev John is convinced JvN is such an experience - for him and for many. He discovered Jesus as "bread for the Life of the World" like the Israelites discovered the MANNA as "bread for life in the desert". Speaking about Jesus as "bread + wine", as "body and blood" is an experience from of old and we should take this also today-experience very seriously. To make the meaning of such language clear, John let Jesus explain: "the bread I shall give is my flesh (for the life of the world)". And we understand quite well: "flesh" means here: life-style (thinking + behaviour + deeds + engagement...). cf. John 1.14: The word made flesh / Incarnation!
Confirmed Christians have the kind of perception, led by JvN, to see:
the real "bread + wine"
for a real life, for a life on the resurrection-way,
for a life participating more and more with the fullness of Life -
it's "my brothers + sisters", people around me, "
people in my life", who are
the real "bread + wine" - for me - in action!

Samstag, 1. August 2015

What a challenge... John 6.24-35

Looking after Jesus, the one, who has fed 5000 men, the one, who would be the best King for them, they found him in the City of Capernaum. How much are we looking today after Jesus ? And because Jesus knows his people well (and their believe) he offers three points also today:
1. Work for food that endures to eternal Life (Fullness of Life)
2. You must believe in the one God has sent you (JvN).
3. "I am the Bread of Life" (self-consciousness).

Today we know: we need natural food for our body, mental food for our mind, spiritual food for our soul. The place where we prepare the food and where we service (give out) the food is named kitchen.
We are grateful for the household-kitchen to prepare our natural meals. Where
is the kitchen for the mental food? Sure the school is one of the modern
mental-food kitchen. An other one is the library. And
for the spiritual food?
My answer:
the Church / the Religions.

The Jesus-Movement / today: the Christian Churches / are "special Kitchens":
1. They have
to announce a very special message: that Jesus is "Bread + Wine" (food) for the soul; i.e. for eternal Life (the Fullness of Life). We announce in every Holy Mass: "Jesus; Bread for the Life of the World". That announcement must be as attractive as possible.
2. The Churches have
to prepare the real Jesus-Image (mental food for our mind). Jesus had the self-consciousness that He is "Bread + Wine" as a Gift of God, sent into this world as Redeemer: as the one who opens Humanity (the eyes, the ears, the mind, the hearts of every human-being) for the Fullness of Life (for Forgiveness, Participation, Unity, Love). That consciousness must be as clear as possible,
3. The Churches have
to arrange the Communities to understand themselves
as "Bread + Wine", as "Bread for the Life of the World". The self-conscious- ness of Jesus has to become the self-consciousness of the Christian Communities.
This is the food for the ONE-WORLD-HUMAN-BODY.
This conviction must be as humble as possible.
Every human- being is "Bread +Wine" for others...
        what a challenge!