Donnerstag, 6. August 2015

HOW to perceive a PERSON ?

From the 17th to the 21st Sun B the Ev John likes to explain for his people
(2000 years ago) the self-consciousness of Jesus: "I am the Bread of Life".
It seems quite complicated but in reality it's a daily human experience!

As we open our eyes and admire the cosmos, the nature, the human-being -
whatever we see or discover -
it's of our making! Our perception / reception
(the eye, the ear, the mind...) characterizes all what we receive !!!
Some people are able to perceive the whole
creation as a word (mostly they speak about creation as revelation), a word as a message. You may be able to perceive a Person in the same way as a word, as a message for you. This happen for many in the case of JvN. Christians experience, hear Jesus as a "Word of God". The Ev John today remind us: "they will be taught by God" (John 6.41-51). It means for all Christian Churches:
JvN is accepted as "a lesson - given by God - to us - about humanity".
As we hear the teaching and learn from it - we will discover, or our discovery is confirmed: that "
people need people". It's in our human constitution (nature). Said by a poetic language: we are by nature for each other "bread + wine". This general fact - to put into action - it's up to you. And as a mature human-being, you will bring into your consciousness sometimes the names of people you have experienced as "bread + wine" for you. The Ev John is convinced JvN is such an experience - for him and for many. He discovered Jesus as "bread for the Life of the World" like the Israelites discovered the MANNA as "bread for life in the desert". Speaking about Jesus as "bread + wine", as "body and blood" is an experience from of old and we should take this also today-experience very seriously. To make the meaning of such language clear, John let Jesus explain: "the bread I shall give is my flesh (for the life of the world)". And we understand quite well: "flesh" means here: life-style (thinking + behaviour + deeds + engagement...). cf. John 1.14: The word made flesh / Incarnation!
Confirmed Christians have the kind of perception, led by JvN, to see:
the real "bread + wine"
for a real life, for a life on the resurrection-way,
for a life participating more and more with the fullness of Life -
it's "my brothers + sisters", people around me, "
people in my life", who are
the real "bread + wine" - for me - in action!

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