Dienstag, 18. August 2015


***  For a Namibian - to be on time - there are only 2 reasons:
1. A Swiss-Feeling  2. One-goal-concentrated.
But - to be not on time - there are all the time 1000 reasons.
And reason 1001 is: God is not A Swiss; therefore the gates of Heaven
are open long after time. 

***  Did you ever know a Catholic who is attentive to the word of the Priest ? He tells them at the end of the Holy Mass: pls go !
But in vain... they don't go!
They continue to pray... maybe for ever and ever.

*** The moon is romantic-bad. He steels the light of the stars without having a own light ! Do you know such moon-people ?

HsL and Ailly about Mathematic:
Hs: How much is 1 + 1       Ailly (6 years old): 1 + 1 = 11
                                             Ailly (8 years old): 1 + 1 = 2
Hs: why the difference ?   Ailly: bc the School likes to change
                                                       what is right.

Ailly comes back from the North:
Hs:    How was it in the North (Owambo) ?
Aills: strange: a lot of nice dressed people; 4 people have married,
          but I didn't know who belongs to whom.
Hs:    How was the Church ?
Ailly: There was no Church; people only have prayed.
Hs:    Do you have a story ?
Ailly: Yes - there was no water; only broken pipes; no repair.
Hs:    How was coming back ?
Ailly: In Oshivelo we had to clean us from the dirtiness of the North.
Hs:    And now ?
Ailly: How do you honor my come-back ?

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