Samstag, 1. August 2015

What a challenge... John 6.24-35

Looking after Jesus, the one, who has fed 5000 men, the one, who would be the best King for them, they found him in the City of Capernaum. How much are we looking today after Jesus ? And because Jesus knows his people well (and their believe) he offers three points also today:
1. Work for food that endures to eternal Life (Fullness of Life)
2. You must believe in the one God has sent you (JvN).
3. "I am the Bread of Life" (self-consciousness).

Today we know: we need natural food for our body, mental food for our mind, spiritual food for our soul. The place where we prepare the food and where we service (give out) the food is named kitchen.
We are grateful for the household-kitchen to prepare our natural meals. Where
is the kitchen for the mental food? Sure the school is one of the modern
mental-food kitchen. An other one is the library. And
for the spiritual food?
My answer:
the Church / the Religions.

The Jesus-Movement / today: the Christian Churches / are "special Kitchens":
1. They have
to announce a very special message: that Jesus is "Bread + Wine" (food) for the soul; i.e. for eternal Life (the Fullness of Life). We announce in every Holy Mass: "Jesus; Bread for the Life of the World". That announcement must be as attractive as possible.
2. The Churches have
to prepare the real Jesus-Image (mental food for our mind). Jesus had the self-consciousness that He is "Bread + Wine" as a Gift of God, sent into this world as Redeemer: as the one who opens Humanity (the eyes, the ears, the mind, the hearts of every human-being) for the Fullness of Life (for Forgiveness, Participation, Unity, Love). That consciousness must be as clear as possible,
3. The Churches have
to arrange the Communities to understand themselves
as "Bread + Wine", as "Bread for the Life of the World". The self-conscious- ness of Jesus has to become the self-consciousness of the Christian Communities.
This is the food for the ONE-WORLD-HUMAN-BODY.
This conviction must be as humble as possible.
Every human- being is "Bread +Wine" for others...
        what a challenge!

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