Freitag, 13. November 2015

Mr Ev Mk. - it's now...

We live in turbulent times... so much of distress about peace and equality...
the sun       [symbol of life]   will be darkened... so many people not enlightened...

the moon    [symbol of borrowed splendor]              diminished...
the stars     [symbol of independent personalities]   falling...
the angels  [symbol of God's effectiveness]             confused...
What a picture for the situation of the world of today... all is changing... 
old Heaven and old Earth will pass away - on the way - to a new Heaven and new Earth.
Mk likes to tell us: don't be afraid, the Word of God is present in all these turbulence's -
it is at hand, at our disposal.

If we see the Family-Synod 2015 we discover how much the moon looses its brightness;
If we look at the corruption, how are stars falling; look at poverty, how much distress...

And the Word of God at disposal - how many will read it as empowerment; how many come to Church to hear the Word of God as refreshment ??? 

Take the Priests as a parable: 
As soon as you see the priest is not in his Parish on Sunday, you know the Parish is betrayed. As soon as you discover the priest has no time for you, you will know the moon is small (the night darker); you either are somehow nobody.

Take the Eucharist as a parable:
As soon as you start, there is communication stop between the people... you see, adoration kills communication. As soon as the readings starts, there is an understanding stop.
Hearing without thinking (what a music). As soon as the praying starts, there is refusing of a own responsibility... it shows the trend: God should do it. He is the official in charge - we only have to remind him.

Take the Church as a parable:
As soon as you bring in something new - they will complain: it's not as it was". It means: they are against a new Heaven and a new Earth. And the Word of God at disposal... pls ! no new understanding; it must be as it was - for ever.
Dear Mr. Markus-Evangelist! as for the day - we knew now - it's today.

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