Freitag, 6. November 2015

This BLOG... a challenge!!!

This BLOG is not selling "something" - not a Camel -  my BLOG likes to ask you,in some cases to challenge you, normally to demand of you - pls think about "your Life-Style".
In my view every person is called by "LIFE" to show us a wonderful, a healing, a nice, a
uniting "LIFE-STYLE". Your "life-Style" is more than your photo, more than your selfie, more than your biography - "LIFE-STYLE" is your appearance, to make an impression on me.
If you come up... why should my eye not be enjoyed ?...  attracted ? If you come up... why

should my personality not be empowered in my search of a fitting way of life ?

The prophet of Nazareth came up - attractive - a hope for Bar Timaeus; giving him the power to stand up, to jet away prejudices, to walk, to listen, to give answer, to feel "right again" and to adopt a Christian Life-Style (follow him). A real story for all people who see "faith" is the basic-skill of homo sapiens: to declare "something' as Reality.

And the memorial-day of all Saints (01. Nov). The Catholic Church has the custom to distribute the "Nobel-Price for Christian Life- Style" of for "Christian-Practice". What a richness - if you open your eyes for all these strange people with a more than "unbelievable
life-style". To declare some people as "holy" belongs to your Life-Style.

The All-Souls-Day (02.Nov): If you have lost one, who has gone with you - tell to your fate: NO - You are able to do much more than "let him go"; the contrary: you are stronger than "Energy + Time + Space"; a) keep him / her in your memory, in your life; she / he belongs to you in every case... you give him / her reality !!!  b) strengthen his / her fire, ideas, hopes, deeds...  multiply her / his effect.
c) Don't bother about his / her fate! ("after-life"); it's not your business, not at all.

Now the next Sunday (32 B / 08.11.15 / Mk 12.38-44): to animate you in such a great skill: "to increase your giving". Not so much the amount is counting. It's more  a) you give a great deal from money you have over (you are a good person!!!).  b) you are able to give a greater share (How did you make it ??? you are better).  c) you give everything you posses (what a wonder !!!). I ask: Who has been able to empower you to increase your giving ??? and what kind of life-style comes into being in such a gracious situation ??? Who told you, you must be a poor widow to give all what you need for life ?
INTEGRATION of GIVING into your LIFE-STYLE - that's the clue. 

We in Otjiwarongo / Namiba got for 15 minutes good rain (05.11.15) - I feel much better.

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