Samstag, 27. August 2016

About Invitation...

1. You are invited...
* to live your life ! It means to find your place, your role, your style...
* to be a member of the Christian Community;
                                       to declare your status, your expectations, your abilities...
*to become a member of different groups:
      like: family, school, profession, culture, business, sport, Arts etc...
It is supposed YOU have accepted the Invitations  Lk 14.1, 7-14
But now ???  Did you pick up the place of honour ? it's stealing ! or did you work hard for a good place ? And now you are humble ?  maybe you will be honoured...

2. You make an Invitation...
What is the motive ? You invite to get in return a fortune ? Or you are healthy and you invite to share your richness ? You show that you are fortunate, that you are blessed....

3. The letter to the Hebrews (12.18...) let you know:
Yes you are blessed. You are invited to the City of the living God, to the great festival.
You are a "first-born-child", a citizen of the fullness of Life. You are invited to come to God himself - invited to come to Jesus , the mediator of a new covenant...
To know about this Invitation and to accept it... makes you a blessed one!

4. But sorry: the most Christians they know nothing about such an Invitation...
they don't feel blessed...  they feel poor, they are begging as much as possible, they see only the own
 struggle...   really sorry!

5. Ecclesiasticus (3.17...) has an advice:  + be gentle in carrying out your business...
+ behave humbly...    + an attentive ear is the sage's dream...

As more as you are gentle, humble, listening... as more you will find your place, role, style... and you will discover how much you are blessed, honoured...

6. Now you change the terrible Entrance-Antiphone for this Sunday and you sing a new song: "I call to you all day long - how great you are... full of love for all..."
And you pray a new prayer: "Holy God - every good thing comes from you. You like to fill our hearts with love, you will increase our faith and your constant care encourages us to pour out what you have given... "       when ever we make an Invitation.

Sonntag, 21. August 2016

Glory to God in he Highest

Today it's about: HOW we honour our God. Isaias shows: to honour the Jahwe-God means to make a pilgrimage to the Temple, to the House of God in Jerusalem. It's a very old custom - go to visit God, bring your Personality to God.
To fulfil the 10 Commandments is also good -  but is not priority!
First comes the pilgrimage to God - bring yourself and then try to live a honest Life.
Mary of Nazareth has honoured her Aenti by visiting her.
Jesus has not changed to custom; but he has changed the Temple; He himself is the new Temple, the House of the Lord... to honour God in Jesus' view means: go to Jesus, listen to him, follow him. A pilgrimage to Jesus Christ...
Later Mah
amed: You honour Allah as you make a pilgrimage to Mekka the Holy City.

We in 2016 honour our God as we make a Sunday-Pilgrimage to our Church-Community.
We are glad and in good condition as we have SOMEBODY to honour with all our Heart.
We honour God as we go to Church. That's a priority... integrating into the Community.

For a Catholic - to go to Curch - means to celebrate the Holy Eucharist; to give thanks to God - as Jesus has done...   we bring ourselves to the Community.
Why in Namibia so many Priests are on Sunday's not in their Parish/ Communities?
They are Priest for themselves ? They don't know: a Priest is only Priest in regard of a Community - and he cannot honour God alone - to praise God is a Cty.-Act. Iit's strongly forbidden to take away the Priest from Sunday-Service - but some people don't know it.
Very sorry !

Mittwoch, 17. August 2016

How much do you assume Mary ?

1. The feast of 15 August is not about Mary going back home to Heaven. It's more about the Holy God - the one who gives Life - HE gives Life for ever. His gift is given without conditions... live your Life... and if you go to die... it doesn't matter...  God's call is for ever.
Assumption is like a call...  a request to stay alive...  whatever happen.
This I like to celebrate!

2. Therefore I prefer to celebrate the Assumption of Mary on the 15 August and not on Sunday before or after...   the feast is special...

3. Du you have a date Mary got the Christian Baptism ? Maybe she is not baptised ?
This shows: Non-Baptised-People can be very right.

4. How has Mary seen herself ?     introspection?
4 a) She sees her whole Life (soul) as a proclamation.
4 b) She sees herself as exulting.
4 c) She feels she is looked upon
4 d) She knows she is called "blessed"
4 e) She knows God has done great things for her
What a fulfilling healthy picture has Mary about herself.
Try to have the same view about your own personality.

5. How has Mary seen God ?
a) For her: God is great, is a saviour. God is looking after... and almighty.
b) God does great things for her

c) God's name is holy and mercy
e) God reaches out, show's his power, routed out, pulls down, exalts, fills, sends away,

helps and is mindful.

Maybe you have the courage to change the picture of God as you follow your experiences...
In every case, whatever picture you paint - Mary was able to proclaim God's GREATNESS.

Samstag, 6. August 2016

ready for actions ....

For the little flock of believers there is no reason to be scared... because God the Father is pleased to give you the Kingdom of God - this is how Lukas has understood JvN (12.35-40).
But now e hear the famous call to be ready for actions... the precondition of acting are not mentioned because it's high time. There is a time to wait (Advent) and time to act (Now).

We in the Church have already the impression it's now time to act...  a lot of reforms are on the agenda.
Sure, the Kingdom of God is a Gift - but as always: not without human cooperation.
The believer will get the "bread of Life" and the "wine of Joy" only after the Community has transformed (transsubstantiated) the bread and wine.

This changing is a relationship-action - it means: the change of the object and the change of the relationship are going together. Our relationship with the Church has to change - and you will see: the Church will change. it's clear: Where is your treasure there is your heart.

The group gathered for the Sunday-Eucharist is "Church No 1". And this is the first point of changing. It means: we have to learn to constitute ourselves as a Catholic Christian Community - and this very clear. Second: The Community is challenged to formulate Community-goals to be accepted by all members. Then is time for the Word of God - revealing God in his intention to give the Kingdom of God to all.
Exactly this Gift is also realised in Jesus Christ as the given "bread of Life" (nourishment), the gifted "wine of Joy" (engagement). 

A Community - really in touch with each other - is able to realise many of the reforms we are waiting for. As it was by the great Liturgical Reform (1962-1965) many Communities had the courage since ca. 1950 to introduce reforms - and this Liturgical Reform became a wave watering the whole Church until today...
But where are the courages Communities to go on ???