Samstag, 27. August 2016

About Invitation...

1. You are invited...
* to live your life ! It means to find your place, your role, your style...
* to be a member of the Christian Community;
                                       to declare your status, your expectations, your abilities...
*to become a member of different groups:
      like: family, school, profession, culture, business, sport, Arts etc...
It is supposed YOU have accepted the Invitations  Lk 14.1, 7-14
But now ???  Did you pick up the place of honour ? it's stealing ! or did you work hard for a good place ? And now you are humble ?  maybe you will be honoured...

2. You make an Invitation...
What is the motive ? You invite to get in return a fortune ? Or you are healthy and you invite to share your richness ? You show that you are fortunate, that you are blessed....

3. The letter to the Hebrews (12.18...) let you know:
Yes you are blessed. You are invited to the City of the living God, to the great festival.
You are a "first-born-child", a citizen of the fullness of Life. You are invited to come to God himself - invited to come to Jesus , the mediator of a new covenant...
To know about this Invitation and to accept it... makes you a blessed one!

4. But sorry: the most Christians they know nothing about such an Invitation...
they don't feel blessed...  they feel poor, they are begging as much as possible, they see only the own
 struggle...   really sorry!

5. Ecclesiasticus (3.17...) has an advice:  + be gentle in carrying out your business...
+ behave humbly...    + an attentive ear is the sage's dream...

As more as you are gentle, humble, listening... as more you will find your place, role, style... and you will discover how much you are blessed, honoured...

6. Now you change the terrible Entrance-Antiphone for this Sunday and you sing a new song: "I call to you all day long - how great you are... full of love for all..."
And you pray a new prayer: "Holy God - every good thing comes from you. You like to fill our hearts with love, you will increase our faith and your constant care encourages us to pour out what you have given... "       when ever we make an Invitation.

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