Samstag, 6. August 2016

ready for actions ....

For the little flock of believers there is no reason to be scared... because God the Father is pleased to give you the Kingdom of God - this is how Lukas has understood JvN (12.35-40).
But now e hear the famous call to be ready for actions... the precondition of acting are not mentioned because it's high time. There is a time to wait (Advent) and time to act (Now).

We in the Church have already the impression it's now time to act...  a lot of reforms are on the agenda.
Sure, the Kingdom of God is a Gift - but as always: not without human cooperation.
The believer will get the "bread of Life" and the "wine of Joy" only after the Community has transformed (transsubstantiated) the bread and wine.

This changing is a relationship-action - it means: the change of the object and the change of the relationship are going together. Our relationship with the Church has to change - and you will see: the Church will change. it's clear: Where is your treasure there is your heart.

The group gathered for the Sunday-Eucharist is "Church No 1". And this is the first point of changing. It means: we have to learn to constitute ourselves as a Catholic Christian Community - and this very clear. Second: The Community is challenged to formulate Community-goals to be accepted by all members. Then is time for the Word of God - revealing God in his intention to give the Kingdom of God to all.
Exactly this Gift is also realised in Jesus Christ as the given "bread of Life" (nourishment), the gifted "wine of Joy" (engagement). 

A Community - really in touch with each other - is able to realise many of the reforms we are waiting for. As it was by the great Liturgical Reform (1962-1965) many Communities had the courage since ca. 1950 to introduce reforms - and this Liturgical Reform became a wave watering the whole Church until today...
But where are the courages Communities to go on ???

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