Sonntag, 21. August 2016

Glory to God in he Highest

Today it's about: HOW we honour our God. Isaias shows: to honour the Jahwe-God means to make a pilgrimage to the Temple, to the House of God in Jerusalem. It's a very old custom - go to visit God, bring your Personality to God.
To fulfil the 10 Commandments is also good -  but is not priority!
First comes the pilgrimage to God - bring yourself and then try to live a honest Life.
Mary of Nazareth has honoured her Aenti by visiting her.
Jesus has not changed to custom; but he has changed the Temple; He himself is the new Temple, the House of the Lord... to honour God in Jesus' view means: go to Jesus, listen to him, follow him. A pilgrimage to Jesus Christ...
Later Mah
amed: You honour Allah as you make a pilgrimage to Mekka the Holy City.

We in 2016 honour our God as we make a Sunday-Pilgrimage to our Church-Community.
We are glad and in good condition as we have SOMEBODY to honour with all our Heart.
We honour God as we go to Church. That's a priority... integrating into the Community.

For a Catholic - to go to Curch - means to celebrate the Holy Eucharist; to give thanks to God - as Jesus has done...   we bring ourselves to the Community.
Why in Namibia so many Priests are on Sunday's not in their Parish/ Communities?
They are Priest for themselves ? They don't know: a Priest is only Priest in regard of a Community - and he cannot honour God alone - to praise God is a Cty.-Act. Iit's strongly forbidden to take away the Priest from Sunday-Service - but some people don't know it.
Very sorry !

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