Dienstag, 29. November 2016

Advent - what kind of redeemer ?

At the beginning of Advent 2016 the Ev Mt (24.37-44) reminds us not to forget the picture, the story of the "Ark of Noah" (Genesis 6.9 ...). The Ev Mt sees the every-life-destroying-
Flood as a hard reality: as it was in the beginning (in the time of Noah) it's now (in the time of Jesus) and ever shall be (in our time 2016/17 etc... ). Life and Death are the two sides
of one medal (the creation). The question is: Is there survival, salvation ???

In the view of the old Jahwe-God "YES" !  The Jahwe-God has decided to destroy his own creation - 
at least all life! On the same time HE has decided to offer a "Covenant of Salvation for the right people". The old Jahwe-God is seen as destroying and redeeming As the deadly Flood is going on for ever...  the understanding of Salvation has developed. Gen 6 speaks about a transcending Ark... the Jesus-Movement proclaims a "Son of Man",
a person, a personality as the redeemer, as the Salvador.

Now as we celebrate Advent for 4 weeks we have the chance to find this personality, to discover his coming into our situation and maybe to have an intuition of his message.

The second Sunday of Advent (Mt 3.1-12) draws our attention to a famous possible Salvador...   John the Baptist has a message:
a) Turn around, have a new thinking - metanoia!
b) The Kingdom of Heaven (a very old dream) is now at hand (nearby,possible)
c) I'm not the redeemer; I'm only the index-finger - he comes after me but will be first.
d) He will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and fire (I only with water).
e) He will gather his wheat and burn the chaff (like the old Jahwe-God in the Noah-story)
We know JvN has gone to the river Jordan to listen to this preacher...

In Advent 2016 - searching for the promised redeemer - we may go listen to different preachers...  If the "preacher" proclaims that he knows and recommend a redeeming organisation (education, business, insurance, banking, military, administration, management, State or Churches...  we suspect he/she is wrong...   If the "preacher" proclaims tthe redeemer is a person, a "Son of mankind" maybe he/she is right...

Important is the question: What kind of redeemer do you expect ???
The redeemer is an Ark / Ship; an Airplane, a Helicopter, a modern technic ???
The redeemer is an organisation; whatever kind ???
The redeemer is a Person, a personality ???

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