Mittwoch, 16. November 2016

YoM - missed chance ???

1.) A day
Sometimes I'm confused; I'm looking after my glasses...  I'm asking Ailly: "Did you see somewhere my glasses?" - She start to smile: "on your nose".
In CH - after I didn't see the sun for three days - I ask myself: "Where is the sun?"
This question is not real but shows my thirst after the experience of the warming-up ray of the sun.

2.) Our God
It's high time to accept God is like the sun. He is MERCY for ever and all-over. His MERCY keeps the Universe and all in it going, developing... alive...

3.) Baptism
We have decided to accept: God is for ever and all-over MERCY. If you didn't make yet
this decision - it's high time for you to make it today.

4.) Clarity
If God is MERCY like the sun, if you have decided YES it's really the case...
pls start to become logic, rational, clear.
I have stopped to ask for MERCY because it's already given, "poured out". Only a foolish

or a little child asks the sun seriously: "pls come up" - because it's logic, rational, clear - the sun will come up; it's a daily experience. If you don't have it.. what's with you?

5.) The Year of MERCY

It has gone wrong: people have prayed more than ever: "Lord have Mercy." For these "believers" it's not clear, not rational, not logic: "God IS MERCY". They are afraid... maybe... did HE forget to show MERCY?  They don't believe: Jesus is the embodiment of God's MERCY. They will tell you: "Lord of High pls come up with your MERCY" (they feel God has held back his MERCY; they must negotiate with God or remind HIM).
Therefore the whole year we have learnt to be beggar, not believers...

6.) No future
The "believers" got a prayer to beg for MERCY - they didn't get a course:
HOW to discover and drink MERCY;
HOW to transform the MERCY of God into human mercy
         (like to transform the sun-shine into electricity).
HOW to follow Jesus as embodiment of MERCY.
We didn't learn nothing else than begging...  chance over-slept.

7.) Clarification
After a year - ask: what is MERCY? There is no clarification: they say:
maybe forgiveness...  maybe help...   maybe grace...  maybe love...
Lucas' story 10.25-37 is not taken up (The Samaritan):

a) He has accepted the challenge, the wounded man...
b) He has contributed to renew him, to give him again an upright shape...
c) He let him free behind... give him freedom...
d) He has accompanied him into the future, "to stand by"
Our human "mercy" is a high-level activity like pregnancy:

accept, contribute, let go free, accompany - exactly what God is doing.

We are grateful for the MERCY of God poured out for ever and allover
We recommend  to accept God's MERCY like a ray of the sun
We ask our Christians to embody God's MERCY like Jesus Christ
We engage to learn HOW to realise human mercy for all of us.

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