Freitag, 4. November 2016


It fits well into the feast of All Souls + All Saints to think about resurrection, a central point of our Christian Life. But "resurrection" today is not easy to understand... we try...

1.) The idea of Moses + Co until 2016 - it seems - is too simple. They have in mind: There is life on earth ending with death and thereafter is resurrection into an other life (hopefully
your are called by Jahwe into heaven). First this life then the other one. It's simple one-dimensional and dictated by time; that's all.

2. We are busy in our time to show a grater Vision of Life. God is fullness of Life and we live without space and time in God  (at least we believe it). But now - it seems - God has sent us on an excursion. To get the real fullness there is a need to experience the limitation; the limitation of creation. Exactly this is our situation. As we are born - we are really limited, restricted - until death. Life is also a passage midst in limitation. Taken from stardust, planted in nature, involved with culture - life on earth. But on this limited passage we have an intuition - Life as such is much greater.
This is the reason why we get since birth the call of resurrection, the challenge for a greater life - to remind us: Fullness of Life is given but now on our earthly passage not experienced. We are too limited as body-mind-soul creature to experience the real fullness of Life - until death. A historical reminder of the life-fullness is for us the life of Jesus Christ. A biographical reminder is the Baptism. A daily reminder is the morning call to resurrect. The earth-passage gives us quite a lot of experiences (joy and sorrow). In all these experiences - from birth to death, from peace to war, from hate to love - we are glad to hear again and again the challenge: you are safe in the hands of God. For God all persons are alive (Lk 20.38) the ones on limitation-experience, the ones on fullness experience.
3. We learn now to distinguish between "limited passage on earth" and "resurrection call in every situation". The resurrection is a fact also midst in the earth-passage-experience.
Our task is to go the resurrection-way in the limited earth-passage. The Church as a Community is tasked to empower us exactly for this passage-resurrection-way.

A parable: We are all gathered in a wonderful landscape. Some get the call to go out and walk around the horizon - in favour of the fullness of experiences. They see very limited what's going on outside; they don't see what's going on inside. Maybe they hear our songs. But they belong to us and we to them. The going-round and the landscape are for them a reality, distinct but real. Coming back into the landscape is like coming home enriched with limitations.

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