Freitag, 11. August 2017

Look at Mary of Nazareth...

What do you see? First nothing, because she has died long ago. It means we depend on those (the Church , the Evv), who tell us what they know. These stories are surprisingly
+ a young girl in the village of Nazareth
+ an Angel brings her an impossible message
+ she put the vocation in question
+ finally she has the answer: "let what you have said be done to me" (fiat).
+ she visit the house of Zechariah (Elizabeth a relative)
+ she gives birth in Bethlehem to a boy named Jesus / Emmanuel (God with us)
+ she cares for the family and called the run-away-boy back
+ she stood under the cross, where her son is crucified
+ she is taken up into Heaven (ascension)
+ she appears here and there
+ she is declared as the New Eve, as the one of immaculate conception
+ she got a lot of appreciation

All these stories are combined in "the Holy Mary, mother of Jesus, Mary the Mother of God".
That's how we are used to see her today. 

She got a wonderful Transfiguration. The most what we see in her (because we hear about) is somehow difficult to understand.
But why not? Why not have such a wonderful elevation?
A woman, elevated into Heaven!

That's our Church-based-View. 

We are strange people to elevate her this way.
Do we have reasons ??? Some argue: God has chosen her for this elevating way; some argue: religious illusions.

In 2017 we proclaim for the whole world HOW we see a "Lady of Grace".
1. Chosen by God. 2. Able to accept the will of God for the whole life.
In this case her life became an adventure, a way into the fullness of Life.
In 2017 we declare in favour of the whole world:
that's the way we see every woman (and Mary is the prototype of this view):
Chosen by God - able to do the will of God - and so on the way into the fullness of Life.

Your girl-friend, your sister, your bride, your spouse, your mother will be glad to be seen
by you this way. Maybe you tell her this wonder: how the Church-Community likes to see her.

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