Dienstag, 15. August 2017

open for all....

After we got the importance
of transfiguration (6. August),
we have taken a glance at
Mary of Nazareth; She got Heaven
(fullness of Life) as a GRACE and
because she believed that the
promise of God will be fulfilled.

The 20. Sun A (20.08.2017) proclaims:
This GRACE of God is for all people in this World. It's an offer for all...
Already Isaias (56.1...) opens the view "also foreigners who have attached them-

selves to the Lord...  these I will bring to my holy mountain".
And Paulus (Rom 14.13...) in a difficult language shows Mercy of God is exactly
in every case for all.

And Mt (15.21-28) gives us JvN as an example: First this JvN is closed against
this strange woman, a foreigner - not my side. But then JvN got a transfiguration
a conversion): He got a new view; He sees later the same woman as a real believer.
And as such she is welcome, she will get what she wants: healing.
In Namibia all Churches are famous about the openness they show against for-
eigners. The RCC has taken over a lot of behaviour and a Church-style and a
formation and a spirituality who is most foreign.
Openness is reality AND graceful if you bring in YOUR OWN AND accept the
FOREIGN - this ground mixture as a real transfiguration-process will bring us
Salvation and a blessed future...

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