Mittwoch, 30. August 2017

How to see the world-situation ?

Sunday 22 A
Mt 16.21-27
Rom 12.1-2
Jeremiah 20.7-9

The Ev-Mt likes to show us: Jesus has discovered: his message brought too much
difficulties for the authority. They will put him to death...
Jesus tells his insight to his disciples. For the loyal Peter it's clear: "this must not
happen to you". What is the solution ? To change the behaviour ?  Reduce the
message ? To adapt to the situation ? For Jesus it's clear: there is no other way!
And Jesus makes it public: Peter (with your thinking) you are an obstacle in my path.

Every baptised Christian has to know: life is bread - broken for the salvation for all.
The living body is "bread + wine for the life of the world" - but only as engagement for
the Kingdom of God. 

The "new mind" knows: we live in a world where the unclean spirits still destroys
the joy of life.  And because we do not model our behaviour on the behaviour of the
old world - for many this means: death-sentence.
Change the world - in the direction of unity, of fullness of life for all... is a cross-way.
Jeremiah has undergone this great trouble... and he shows his temptation:
"I will not think about God any more; I will not speak in his name any more".
On the other side he feels: "there seemed to be a fire burning in my heart"...
the fire of love for the Kingdom of God.

Our Sunday-Celebration opens our eyes and our mind of the reality in which we live:
the world is still in a situation, where the living body of the Christians is to be valued as "bread + wine" given and poured out for the Kingdom of God.

Such a life - where the cross-way is the resurrection-way - is the "perfect thing to do".
Thereof is Paulus convinced. Blessed the one who can take it.

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