Mittwoch, 20. September 2017

Free exchange of "need + have"

Mr. Matthew; your Jesus in 20.1-16
is a Church-Owner (vineyard) and he
teaches the Church the value of generosity,
the beautiful sister of mercy.

25. Sun A

In a good world there is negotiated agreement - keep it and you are just. But Jesus came
to heal sinners, not to regulate business. In the Church we are holy + sinners; in the business-world we are consumers and workers. The parable of the mt Jesus is about Generosity in the Church (and in this frame the Economy may become generous too...)
BIG (basic income grant) is more generous than the payment by counting the work-hours.
But in general Namibia is generous. Namibia (Government) often pays not because you
do a work but because you have an employment contract. Work-control is not a Namibian-skill. As a Swiss I negotiate how much you will get per hour, than I count your work-hours and we have the salary. Only if you are a friend of mine, you work for me without contract - like car-washing - I give you a generous amount (not counting the hours). It means our
relationship orders my economical behaviour. Is this healthy ????

Generosity is a giving behaviour free of charge... taking into account my property and your need and we make an exchange.
An example: your property is a car and my need is a taxi. This business-case can become
a generosity-case: you drive and I get a taxi free of charge.
What for many people became a business - for some people it's still a generosity.
How will I get a "generous Image" ?
1. I have to find out what is my property.
2. I have to find out what is your need.
3. How able is my brain + my heart + my hand in free giving ?

4. You have - I need /  You need - I have
The free giving between need + have / have + need is generosity.
Church-people: how generous is our offer of what we have to the needy?
(I'm not speaking first about money !!!  ) You can do it with BIG or you count the hours ?
I speak about your proper property: your skills / your grace / your personality !!!

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