Mittwoch, 13. September 2017

seventy seven or thousand times ?

Repair the relationships
Heal the wounded
Defreeze the stubborn
Disarm the figther
all by forgiveness

Sun 24 A (17.09.2017)

Jesus gives Peter a lesson about forgiveness. Behind the lesson is the call:
You have to represent, to embody the Spirit of God.
Every Christian knows this.
But behind this challenge comes up a deeper question:
What kind of God you are ready to represent by your life-style?
For today it's a high level question. Some people in modern time are not interested
in clarifying the picture of God. But it's high time.
At least Jesus brought his conviction: His God is total forgiveness.
Sometimes it's not easy to follow him. Some people ask again like Peter:
"How many times I have to forgive - again and again ?"
Peter and me - we need a training-program in forgiveness !

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