Donnerstag, 7. September 2017

conversion step by step...

double offence: "they consume
too many fresh fish
and they are consumed
by the skin-industry"

Sometimes - Mt 18.15-20 - one of "our people" is doing something wrong.
You have seen it and you are convinced that's not the way things should be done.
Bc: Such a wrong behaviour will damage the offender, the community, the relationship,
the right development etc... In this situation what is for you the "right thing to do" ???
+ One way is "silence" Bc: it's not your problem. You feel as it's not your responsibility.
   You are not a behaviour-guardian.
+ The other way: You make public noise. Everybody should know how bad is the
   behaviour of this offender. The one who is doing wrong must be stopped now and here.
+ The Jesus-way recommends:
As first step:  arrange a meeting (two or three meetings ?)
&) tell him/her "under four eyes" what you have observed and what you think.
&) listen...  the offender may have reasons for his behaviour.
&) take time end bring reasons why his/her behaviour is in fact wrong.
For such an encounter we need a portion of sympathy and a soft feeling: we all are somehow responsible for everyone's behaviour. Don't forget:

                         A behaviour consists of:
1.) as basic: my own personal worldview
2.) my personal control-skill or management-skill in regard of my behaviour. 

3.) we know: every behaviour is a re-action therefore it's an expression of relationship.
4.) we have to find out: who is the master of a certain behaviour? the nature, the will, the
     super-ego, the ratio, an unclean spirit, the experiences...
5.) behaviour is a sign, a revelation loaded with meaning.
What a grace if the offender got the insight into his/her wrongness and into the right way...
and hopefully you also got a more understanding-insight into the reasons why the offender did wrong.
Att pls! If you are clever: let the possibility open that your accusation is as wrong as his/her behaviour seems wrong.

The second step in this Jesus-conversion-process is more than interesting:
You open the process into a group-event. As you are aware of the dynamic of a group
"the forces of between" - don't forget the importance of a good group leader.

The third step shows a high estimation of the Community. It's like: "I believe in the Holy Catholic Church" but I have not before my eyes the Vatican, the Bishop-offices, the Parish-offices but my Village-Church-Community (VCC).
Tell me: do you believe your own VCC is able to handle "the case" ? not first as a condemnation but as a liberation-process ? And if the VCC is not able to liberate the offender - if the VCC declares excommunication - do you realise the "fishing process" starts now... in case we are a real Christian-Community (serving Humanity).

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