Mittwoch, 22. November 2017

the end level

As we go to end the Church-Year 16/17
some people celebrate Christ the King (Sun 34 A)
other people celebrate the right Judge (Mt 25.31-46)

Since last Sunday ( 33 A / Mt 25.14-30) we know again: God has disappeared and
given his property (Grace + Creation + Evolution etc...) into the hands of mankind.
And Jesus reminds us: in the Kingdom of God all what is done (with the quality as a
reality) has to be done on the human level. The Creator (and the Saviour at his right side) are hidden in the Incarnation. Therefore the human activities are between humans -
not between Human + God.
If you look for a relationship, for a good deed, for a revenge, for a help, for a grace - 

it's to be done on the human level. The human level (what happen between human's)
is counted by God as the decisive reality.
A relationship with God must be expressed, performed between humans. A prayer to God - if not expressed between humans - is only a relation between you and your imagination.

Why did we celebrate the Church-Year?  To keep Jesus Christ alive between us
and for the world and to incarnate the Mystery of God into our time-space. Only
as we do it together, express it in our human relationship, the Church-Year will become
an effective reality - stimulating the world-development in the right direction - blessed
by the Creator and by the Judge-King.
After the celebration of the end - we start to wait actively again.

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