Dienstag, 16. Januar 2018

something new ???

For all dear Blog-Visitors!
I wish you the courage
to accept
the blessings of God.

2018 It's like a river - time is flowing - day after day
take it
in any case: it's the way into the future -
for believers: the resurrection-way into the fullness of Life. 

As Christians we started the New Year with a FEAST...
it's integration ! "the child was to be circumcised" (Lk 2.16-21)
                          it means: the child got the sign of his own people -
                          to know" I belong to...
and                    "they gave him the name JESUS"  [God is Salvation]
                          to become a own personality, with a own task, a own message.
In the meantime - we all have taken up
our own message, task, personality - we go on...
but pls don't forget (Mk 2.22:) "new wine in new skins"

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