Samstag, 27. Januar 2018

The spirit - not cleaned / not cleared up

Sun 4 B:
possessed by the destroying spirit

the great Ocean as destroyer...

It looks like (Mk 1.21-28) Jesus has started his public work in the Cty of Capernaum.
One pious man (like soo many... !!!) had in mind, this new prophet, this Holy One of God - he comes now to destroy all of us... he is the "Evil-One". It means this pious man is possessed by he uncleaned spirit (the uncleared up idea): the man of God is a destroyer.
This pious man is unable to think the Holy One of God comes to heal, comes to redeem, comes to empower us. No! The pious man is terribly afraid and convinced that JvN is a
holy destroyer, nothing else. Jesus knows how this pious men are thinking - and in open confrontation JvN strongly goes into opposition, into his defence: shut up and change
your mind. And the people around: "Here is a teaching that is new."

In 2018 some people still are possessed by uncleaned spirits:   examples:
* You think: "the one who has better marks is a better human being".
JvN: stop such idea - change and know: "a better human being is the one who loves"
* You think: "if I pray a lot, God will help me more sure".
JvN: stop such idea - clear up your mind and change and know:
         "The help of God is free of charge - gratis".
* You think: "If I go in hiding, the problem will solve itself "(often children's thinking).
JvN: stop - think a lot more - come out and "take the stick and struck the rock".

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