Samstag, 20. Januar 2018


3. Sun B / Ev-Mk 1.14-20
the time has come
the kingdom of God is near
believe the Good News

Before VOCATION happen to become a Christian Personality
                                                               a religious Brother or Sister
                                                               a Priest in the Church
Ev-Mk says: it must be clear for YOU:
1. You know  24/7  it's now time       (life is here and now !!!! )
2. to realise     a NEW Heaven + a NEW Earth
3. for this: you change your secured  mind , your normal attitude,
                                      your lifestyle of yesterday
4. and you decide:  "love in joy is our way."

but sorry you will or have already discovered this is in fact too difficult.
The "normal-daily-world-all-around-us" keeps us in hands! 
You feel more and more: We are very much in need of liberation...
Do you know the first step of liberation ???
It's evident:   "CONTACT...."   [take contact - is the first step to go out of yourself
                                                  and open the possibility something new happen].

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