Freitag, 2. März 2018

the way - go up...

The 3. Lent-Sun B
a wake-up-call
to recognise
our situation.

God has Good News for us: "I have liberated you, guided you through the desert's difficulties, given you the new land...  (Ex 20.1-17)
and now there are rules, norms, orders to survive:
1. I'm the one and only God (the time of monotheism is now rising): no bow down, no service to your own gods anymore. Therefore: Don't make images (imaginations) of
God anymore, not at all, in no way; take the reality as you perceive it... but nothing (in heaven, on earth, in the water) is like God - nothing.
2. God has a name. But don't utter this name - keep his name holy.
3. The Sunday (today) is for God: God blessed this day and made it sacred; you keep it
holy, no work anymore - rest.
There are many more rules...    to survive...   you must discover them...
Great Q: Who believes God has already liberated ???

On this way into the future we have to discover our situation:
John 2.13-15 shows us:
The Temple (the sanctuary), where the liberation, the guidance, the new heaven and earth
are celebrated, where the new norms are kept, the new rules are performed
is now the body of Christ.

Let's exercise it as an Ash-Cross-Person; as a Stardust-Composition.
Exercise the trust: God has liberated his people...

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