Mittwoch, 28. März 2018

celebrating Jesus Christ

Otjiwa Passion Play 2017



As Christians we celebrate the HOLY WEEK
and HOLY means: fascinosum + tremendum + numinosum together as one!

A) We celebrate Jesus (Palm-Sunday) as the one, who has the courage to enter 
the City of Jerusalem - the Centre of the jewish Empire (Religion + State) -
to discover as an Insider the Reality (what happen really).
He enter not as an Imperator but like a shepherd.
B) We celebrate Jesus (Thursday) as the one, who has brought into this world
a new understanding and lifestyle for the human person. He proclaims: I am
"bread + wine" for you, for the life of the world.  I am given over into your hands.
This proclamation is the highest level of human view and the deepest reality
for joy and holy life.
C) We celebrate Jesus (Holy Friday) as the one, who give his total engagement for
his conviction
. The Cross is the temporal price for his proclamation. The religious
Empire cannot accept his definition of a human Person. The Empire is exploitation
of many in favour of a few and not a Service for all.
D) We celebrate Jesus (Easter) as the one, who shows that his lifestyle is resurrection
(not to stay in death but rise to life). Resurrection is a surprise because we cannot do it...
it's the Mystery of God who calls into the fullness of life.
As we celebrate...  we know celebrating is empowering us to live what we celebrate.
Therefore I wish to all of you an encouraging celebration
(may nobody be excluded thereof... it would be a shame!)

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