Mittwoch, 5. Juni 2013

10 Sun C / 09.06.2013 / THE CALL TO LIVE...

In the Old Testament it was the profet Elijah (1 King 17.17-24), in the New
Testament it was the profet JvN - they have shown us: Our God is God of Life!
Very clear JvN has proclaimed in Mk 12.27: His God is God of the living!
The Jahwe God is not only the Creator of Life he is also the CHALLENGER,
as JvN told to the dead man of Nain: "Young man, I tell you to get up".

Therefore - as we believe in God and as we follow Jesus-Christ - we also call
people lo live... to live unto the fullest (John 10.10). God challenges us
to walk the resurrection way towards the fullness of Life.

Once we discussed: what is Life or how is Life ?   A fast answer:
    50% problem-solving /  25% nothing special /  25% joy
It means a great part of our pilgrimage consists of problem-solving -
Christians are people who have learnt how to solve problems!
a) nail the problem  b) look for causes  c) draft a solving strategy  d) take it on
But - and this is a daily mission - we also may encourage people to solve
their problems. We all need this challenge, somebody who gives us the courage,
to solve our problems...   there are too many problems not solved!

Jesus: "I invite you to get up". So many people have not the power, not the skill, not the courage - they find no reason to get up (to solve their problems)..
Often we say: everybody has a vocation! But who is challenging, evoking the
vocation of Life into the fore ?

After the Spirit of Life is poured out, after JvN has given us this his Spirit,
it's a real contribution to every person, to the Church and to the World
as we choose this service:
to invite, to encourage people to participate more with Life...
                                                                "come on, we tackle it..."

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