Samstag, 1. Juni 2013

Corpus Christi - the great CHANGE / empowering

Level 1 of the great Change:
What we ask for - praying the "Our Father..." - Jesus is fulfilling this prayer
as he gives to the crowd the daily bread, empowering the people to perform
a natural Life. This "bread giving activity" we keep somewho going by our economy-system of today; it is fundamental.

Level 2 of the great Change:
Jesus gives himself as "bread and wine" empowering us to perform a Christian Life.
He knows: a person is bread. But he likes to become bread for everybody, bread
for the Life of the World.  This Change we keep going by our Evangelization.

Level 3 of the great Change:
Paulus reminds us (1 Cor 11.23-26), that he received from the Lord:
do this significant action as a memorial (of Jesus).
This significant action means: taking, breaking the bread / thanking God /
saying: "this is my body, which is for you" / animating: "do this as a memorial of me"
In the eucharistic celebration we perform this memorial, empowering us to give thanks to God. But in the same celebration we also empower Jesu Word to become for us now the Word of God and the bread to become for us this Person as Bread of God.

The Spirit without Body is lost.We have to build up the Body and care for...
again and again as a working-field to be inspired by the Holy Spirit.
The feast of today reminds us to care well for the Body of Christ.

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