Freitag, 14. Juni 2013

11 Sun C : the story of FORGIVENESS Lk 7.36-50

The second reading of today (Gal 2.16-21) tells us the new conviction of Paul:
keeping the LAW will not redeem us!
(because it brings no forgiveness and - don't forget: without forgiveness there
is no redemption).
People will get redemption as they decide for Jesus Christ, who is redemption
(and as such witness of God).

The Gospel of today  shows us this new conviction of Paul
in a story of Jesus:

A) The Pharisee keeping all the time he LAW is righteous. He also accepts
in theory: pardon brings love; but he himself is not giving signs of Love.
His conviction: keeping the LAW brings redemption!

B) But the sinner-woman is exactly giving the signs of Love, because
she got forgiveness. She is redeemed (performing Love is redemption):
tears as waterdrops clean the feet,
kisses as love-gestures rejoy the heart,
hairs as wind refresh the body,
oil as coronation makes him the chosen one.

C) keep it real... !
In our story it seems Mary of Magdala was able to show her signs of Love to
a real man: JvN, the one who has forgiven her. We hope...
And today ? Some people of today they "love" Jesus in their dreams, in their consciousness. They have a picture of Jesus deep in their heart and they
love this picture (not the real Jesus). This behaviour is good but also a great
question-mark! the picture of Jesus in our heart needs a great attentiveness,
but Love ?

D) The Christian way...
1. We keep the LAW:  to make coexistence possible...
2. We forgive:  to empower people to love
3. We know: to keep the LAW, to forgive, to love - must be real,
                    embodied in our daily Life.

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