Samstag, 22. Juni 2013

12 Sun C Lk 9.18-24 Do you know Jesus ?

Today we get the famous question: "But you, who do you say I am ?"
Sometimes I also like to know what people think and speak about me!
But about Jesus... we have no personal encounter! We only have decided
to know Jesus as the Church teaches us. It means: we know as Catholics
the "Catholic Jesus". After 2000 years of interpretation - he is a mixture!
Many people have pictured Jesus long after the four Gospels: Franciskus,
Ignatius, Therese, Teilhard de Chardin, now also Prof Ratzinger etc...
today we proclaim this multi-coloured "Jesus" and we try to follow him.

For the exercise to follow him - today - we get three rules:
1.) A precondition! I have to renounce myself - it means: I'm not the ruler
of my Life: I'm not the legislater of myself (Parliament), I'm not the judiciary
(Court) I'm only the executive power of the given situation - the CEO -
to make the best out of me.
2.) Also a precondition: I have to take up my cross. It means: Everybody
has to carry the consequences of his own decisions. That's nature...
3.) Now to follow Jesus means:
a) to take over his project No 1: to establish the kingdom of God.
In all my profession, my business, my social liefe - the kingdom of God may be
the guiding light.
b) to take over his methode: to act nonviolently, narratively, vocatively.

Quite a challenging programme! To perform it we need a Community.
And don't forget: Again and again we have to picture a new and more
biblical "Jesus", acceptable for people of today!

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