Dienstag, 3. Dezember 2013

Sec Advent Sunday 08.12.2013

The first Sunday told us about day-breack, arrival...since long people are waiting
for the fullness of life, for redemption, happyness, salvation... and the promise is great: there will be a better future, a New Earth and a New Heaven...
Once mankind came into existence...  and we see in retroperspective a enormeous
progress...   once we have seen only our region, now we see the world; once we spoke only to our tribe, now we sms and mail and phone to the whole world...
we are busy to connect all States into a global World. The sun is rising...
Advent means: it's coming; we experience the Incarnation-process

The sec Sunday tells us more...
But sure as the light comes up - we get a new view of all the reality, we see colours, we see black and white - in the night it was a total different view.
It means Advent is a time of change, a turn-around, upheaval, a radical made-up,
for many a repentence...mankind discovered: with the coming up of the human consciousness (light) all reality is going into a new level - now there is somebody who knows...  there is not only day and night; now we know there is day and night!
It means as you know...  there is now also the temptation: to refuse to know;
the one who likes the darkness will fight again the light

On this sec. Adv Sunday we also celebrate Mary Immaculate. May we see
her as a woman who has accepted the light fully. For her God is light and she understand herself as one who is in service of the light. She experienced many clouds in her life but she didn't forget the sun behind the clouds. She faced many challenges but she discovered in all them the Grace of God.

And in regard of GBV - there was never a time so sensibel for this terrible crime. Today at least the majority of the World knows GBV is wrong; many try
to reduce GBV. Sure, we could do more... Sure some are not able to refrain from GBV...  But it's a real progress to know GBV is wrong.

And in regard of me: from the 4. to the 15. 12.13 I am engaged in the Intern.
Music-week in Swakopmund. APC's send 30 participants and we wish them all
a wonderfull experience in exercises and performances.

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