Samstag, 21. Dezember 2013

4th Advent Sunday 22.12.2013 / Mt 1.23

I have enjoyed very much for 12 days the Internationale Music-week in Swakop
with 4 public concert-performances together with APC-Tsumeb and then I have gone for three days to Omalungandjamba to see how Namibia is getting green
and to eat the first Mango in this season (what a pleasure).
But now for the festive season I'm back in Otjiwarongo - and enjoy the "ombura".

The Advent message told us: a light has gone up - darkness is over;
we are supposed to discover, to see the reality...
and now the fourth Sunday brings the NEWS:  "IMMANUEL"
we translate since old: "In Jesus Christ God is with us".

It means the famous question all over the world: "Where is God?" or
"God- where are you?" gets an answer (to be celebrated at Christmas).
The Profet Isaias (7.14) has spoken for the future
but now Mt speaks for the present: look at Jesus and you see "God with us".

Christianity is the first and only Religion to declare:
There is born over there in Bethlehem a child (later named Jesus of Nazareth)
and we see in him "God with us".

This is something totally new (since now 2000 years) and we struggle until today
to get this declaration, this proclamation right.
A) Which kind of God is with us ?  the famous Jahwe-God ?  (as we call him in the creed: father, allmigthy, creator; / God of mercy, God of Love etc...)
B) And how is the situation after Jesus has died and risen to Heaven ?
He has disappeared /  How is now "God with us" ?
C) And who belongs to this famous "us" ?  the baptizeds or the 7 billions ?

I got a wonderful gift "Der Wind weht wo er will" (the wind goes where it wills)
[the timeless message of John] edition Paulus Freiburg 2013
the author Dr. P. Wittwer has made it a gift for me...  - may I find answers ?

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