Dienstag, 24. Dezember 2013

Christmas 2013 Lk 2.1-14

The Christian CHURCH has an old message for the WORLD:
[The messgae came up, is created some years after Jesus has died. It's a discovery! after the disciples have experienced the life of JvN: his deeds and words, his death and "resurrection".]
This message is celebrated in all Christian Denominations - it's a sign of unity
among Christians - until today: Jesus birth is declared as: "A Saviour is born".

Today's extension of this message: The Salvation Jesus has brought is meant:
a) for all (for the whole world)
b) will include the life on earth and the life in heaven (time and eternity).
c) is directed to heal body + mind + soul (integral / holistic)

This message is also confronted with old questions:
a) is salvation a dream or a fact ?
b) is Salvation needed or only a flight from the naural situation ?
c) is Jesus really the only one Saviour of is he one of many ?

And there are new modern questions of today:
a) is not every born child meant as to become a saviour - to demonstrate how nature and history are to be transcended into a new future...
b) if you accept the modern evolution-theory, how do you see "salvation" ?
[because the "original sin of Adam + Eve is declared as a myth!)
c) is it possibel to accept a pious Jewish live (JvN) and his condemnation (cross) as a "healing life" for all (as world-salvation) ?
d) The Church as "body of Christ" (also in 2014) will show us the continuing salvation-work of Jesus Christ... in which form ? in which experiences ?

No doubt: a Saviour is born ! But today we like to discover the effect !
A saviour without salvation-prove is nothing (at least after 2000 years).
How do you show the world the effect the saviour has on you ?
          NO EFFECT   -    NO REALITY         (the message must be proven!)
At least: what is the prove that we are on a salvation-way ?

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