Freitag, 28. Februar 2014


The complain of Zion is today universal:
                      "The Lord has abandoned me" Is 49.14-15

For the most it's a question, for many a fact.
In Namibia many suspect: the situation (GBV, Corruption etc...) shows:
The blessing of God is missing.

But the Profet insists: this (and only this) is the Word of God:
                       "I WILL NEVER FORGET YOU"
and he underlined this promise with a wonderful picture.
If you reduce the whole Christian faith to one word than so:
                    "GOD LOVES HIS CREATION TOTALLY"

Paulus (1 Cor 4.1-5) is proud to be a steward of this mystery!

The GOSPEL (Mt 6.24-34) asks to make a decision!
Do you react accepting this love of God or you have decided:
God is not caring for me, therefore I have to care best for myself.

Jesuits are clever. They say:  act   - as if all depends an you
                                              trust - as if all depends on God.
And really here we find our struggle:
The question is not: God or I ! The task is to bring God and me into a deep unity.
But go deeper: your unification with God is not your private pleasure.
In reality: Unification with God is unification with people (at least with your friends)

or in theological language: "GOD IS RELATION"
[take the sun: without radiation the sun is cool / no effect on me
                      and I : without radiation from the sun: no life
                      Radiation is the value of the sun and life for me.]

Donnerstag, 20. Februar 2014

On the way to perfection... Mt 5.48

there is many discussion HOW to become "perfect" (at least "better").
There are rules:
1.) "The best is the enemy of the good".  This old word says: If you feel you are already the best possible person, it means: you don't like to develp again, therefore you are against what is good.
2.) Good is the consciousness: "I'm on the way". I'm going...
3.) As you walk, make a break: evaluation is asked for...  
4.) Start again...  

From where in what direction ...     Mt. 5.17-48 says as examples:
                  Once / old                                 now / new
do not kill                                            don't be angry
do not commit adultery                       don't feel your partner is the lust-object
do not break your oath                        don't swear at all
eye for eye / tooth for tooth                offer the other cheek
he takes your tunic                             offer the other cloak
he orders one mile                               offer two miles
hate your enemy                                  love your enemies

This development into a better future is meant for the society, for the Government, for the LAW und for every person... and sure for the Churches...
"perfect like God" is a AIM; not a situation
The sun - coming up for everybody - is a picture for good behaviour...

As we go a level deeper: baptized people have an advantage...  
they got the message: God is the Creator and the Owner of everybody
it means: nobody else is the Owner of a Person; it means: nobody is the property of me, of the Institution, of the Government. Nobody is for me an object to do with him/her what I like (slavery is over!) It's also important for the parents: "my" child is not MY child; Im not the Owner! It's very important in a relationship: "my" partner"
is not MY partner (I'm not the Owner). As we accept this message, it's easier to go the way to perfection!

Samstag, 15. Februar 2014

DEVELOPMENT of the LAW Mt 5.17-37

The Profet of Nazareth Jesus is [following Mt] strongly in favour of LAW-Development. First - in the old time - do not kill - do not abolish this LAW!
It's the protection of human Life (cf. Baptism: Only God is the owner of a person,
nobody else! / cf. Human Rights!) Sorry: in Namibia we have too many killings!
& killing by negligence; & killing by theft; & killing by passion;
Since 2000 years JvN ask also: do not be angry with... (do not reduce the chances and possibilities of Life of the other one).This Behaviour-AIM is to achieve as we develop the Society and the Law hand in hand. In this development the CHURCH has to be "a light for the World" (cf. you are the light of the world)
cf. the new letter of the Pope Francis: the joy of the Gospel. Why is the CCN in Namibia not well known as a promoter of new Laws and the custodian of the justiciary.

Because the CHURCH may be a "City on the Hill" - we ask the CHURCH, to develop the CHURCH-LAW...
A) the sinner, who regrets... is not excluded from the eucharistic table...
B) the priesthood is open for everyone who proves a vocation...
C) to pronounce the own understanding of the BIBEL is open for everyone...
D) It is the duty and the salvation of the Christian Community (Parishes and
    Dioceses) to find own forms of Liturgy and Diakonia.
E) It's the duty and our salvation if everyone decides to live his/her sexuality
    following his/her consience and out of respect for God, the partner and the
F) Everyone has to make a contribution to the Community-Life (it's a matter of
    negotiation) - but the  sacraments are "gratis" (grace!).
We have seen the Church in the old time as a rock; today the Church is a river;
a People of God on the way...   and we need quiet a great reformation if we like to
appear as "the sacrament of God" in our World of today!

"The Kingdom of God" means to transform the World (a new Heaven and a new Earth). Out of this insight the CHURCH has a duty and it's for our salvation that the Church is engaged with the Government and the Civil-Society. But exactly there she has to speak clear: Yes means yes; no means no!

Freitag, 7. Februar 2014

Mt 5.13-16 refreshing + enlightening

Mt tells us: Jesus is of the opinion that his disciples are people who refresh and
enlighten the world. It's really a compliment...
If we go to Church we will get the experiences being refreshed and enlightened!
Sure: you know people they have been refreshing you and they brought light into your situation. That's good...   And you, for which people are you a refreshing and
lightening experience ?

Sorry sometimes it's not the case! people are tasteless and sure no light.
Also Pope Francis likes to tell us: enjoy the Gospel; because the Gospel will make you  "salt + light".

But now we go to the next level: not only you, but your Community as such may be
"salt + light". The Christian Community in your Village, in your City is called to be
"salt + light". And in the whole "Christian Namibia" did you ever hear of a Parish or Community (SCC), who refreshes and enlightens Namibia ? Once we got the slogan: "Community serving Humanity" sure this means to be a light and salt for
the Namibian population -  a light into the economy, policy, culture - society!
Violence, corruption etc...   where is the light ? the salt ?

Did we learn in our Church to build up such a network, such a relation between the members - to become an action-group "a light-salt-group" ?
MSC, OSB etc... these are groups (sorry: "congregations") and I like to hear of them, I wait for the moment people may tell me: Father, there is a "group" who
is recognized as "light + salt" in Namibia.

As we go into the "year of family", don't forget: the family is a group of different people - and they must learn to relate!
In our time nothing is more refreshing and enlightening as a good relation;
a friendship, a social network where the one is for the other "salt + light"
and togehter they become a "handful salt; a boundet light."

One day the word of Jesus is not only a call-up but also a description!

Montag, 3. Februar 2014

Presentation of Jesus / WE ARE SIMEON

sorry: for the last two weeks no blogs bc the blogger-team has changed my "password" and I struggled  to find out the new one!
And I was two times in Owambo...   it was a busy time!  and now it's rainy...

Over Christmas we have seen how Jesus was presented:
to the shepherds, to the wise men, to God in the Tempel
it seems: they all have accepted Jesus Christ...
But now Lk shows - what a wonder - a real pious Jew - Mr. SIMEON - also has
accepted Jesus Christ...  and we know: the jewish people didn't... until today!
After so much presentation - the Christmas time is now over.
It's now time to see how the presented Messiah has lived his life:
There was the stage with John's Baptism in the Jordan-river (Jesus searching
after his own life-style) and now he starts to live in  the City of Kapernaum
and has chosen the slogan: "The kingdom of Heaven is at hand".

But  for today I like to recommend the SIMEON-Therapy:
What ever happend during the day and the evening you feel it's now time to sleep.
In this moment you may take over the view of SIMEON: Today I've worked a lot
for all of us... with hope worked to solve many problems ... and I have found the one who will bring for all salvation... who will lead to a good end all problems... I'm convinced he is the Messiah, the one God has sent to redeem... what the Genesis-word told us: all creation is good... he will fulfil this prophesy... but I,
I have done my contribution, I give now over the situation into the hand of the redeemer... and I'm ready to go... to silence myself ...  to sleep... in peace.

As you bring such a SIMEON-view into your consciousness... you will experience a much better sleep: the nerves calms down, the brain works undisturbed, the body rests and the soul is in great peace (in the hand of God). And the next morning you are refreshed... you may discover a new situation...
Don't forget: a well supported faith is healty!  and lead us much deeper
into the cosmic mystery of the Universe.