Donnerstag, 20. Februar 2014

On the way to perfection... Mt 5.48

there is many discussion HOW to become "perfect" (at least "better").
There are rules:
1.) "The best is the enemy of the good".  This old word says: If you feel you are already the best possible person, it means: you don't like to develp again, therefore you are against what is good.
2.) Good is the consciousness: "I'm on the way". I'm going...
3.) As you walk, make a break: evaluation is asked for...  
4.) Start again...  

From where in what direction ...     Mt. 5.17-48 says as examples:
                  Once / old                                 now / new
do not kill                                            don't be angry
do not commit adultery                       don't feel your partner is the lust-object
do not break your oath                        don't swear at all
eye for eye / tooth for tooth                offer the other cheek
he takes your tunic                             offer the other cloak
he orders one mile                               offer two miles
hate your enemy                                  love your enemies

This development into a better future is meant for the society, for the Government, for the LAW und for every person... and sure for the Churches...
"perfect like God" is a AIM; not a situation
The sun - coming up for everybody - is a picture for good behaviour...

As we go a level deeper: baptized people have an advantage...  
they got the message: God is the Creator and the Owner of everybody
it means: nobody else is the Owner of a Person; it means: nobody is the property of me, of the Institution, of the Government. Nobody is for me an object to do with him/her what I like (slavery is over!) It's also important for the parents: "my" child is not MY child; Im not the Owner! It's very important in a relationship: "my" partner"
is not MY partner (I'm not the Owner). As we accept this message, it's easier to go the way to perfection!

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