Montag, 3. Februar 2014

Presentation of Jesus / WE ARE SIMEON

sorry: for the last two weeks no blogs bc the blogger-team has changed my "password" and I struggled  to find out the new one!
And I was two times in Owambo...   it was a busy time!  and now it's rainy...

Over Christmas we have seen how Jesus was presented:
to the shepherds, to the wise men, to God in the Tempel
it seems: they all have accepted Jesus Christ...
But now Lk shows - what a wonder - a real pious Jew - Mr. SIMEON - also has
accepted Jesus Christ...  and we know: the jewish people didn't... until today!
After so much presentation - the Christmas time is now over.
It's now time to see how the presented Messiah has lived his life:
There was the stage with John's Baptism in the Jordan-river (Jesus searching
after his own life-style) and now he starts to live in  the City of Kapernaum
and has chosen the slogan: "The kingdom of Heaven is at hand".

But  for today I like to recommend the SIMEON-Therapy:
What ever happend during the day and the evening you feel it's now time to sleep.
In this moment you may take over the view of SIMEON: Today I've worked a lot
for all of us... with hope worked to solve many problems ... and I have found the one who will bring for all salvation... who will lead to a good end all problems... I'm convinced he is the Messiah, the one God has sent to redeem... what the Genesis-word told us: all creation is good... he will fulfil this prophesy... but I,
I have done my contribution, I give now over the situation into the hand of the redeemer... and I'm ready to go... to silence myself ...  to sleep... in peace.

As you bring such a SIMEON-view into your consciousness... you will experience a much better sleep: the nerves calms down, the brain works undisturbed, the body rests and the soul is in great peace (in the hand of God). And the next morning you are refreshed... you may discover a new situation...
Don't forget: a well supported faith is healty!  and lead us much deeper
into the cosmic mystery of the Universe.

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