Samstag, 15. Februar 2014

DEVELOPMENT of the LAW Mt 5.17-37

The Profet of Nazareth Jesus is [following Mt] strongly in favour of LAW-Development. First - in the old time - do not kill - do not abolish this LAW!
It's the protection of human Life (cf. Baptism: Only God is the owner of a person,
nobody else! / cf. Human Rights!) Sorry: in Namibia we have too many killings!
& killing by negligence; & killing by theft; & killing by passion;
Since 2000 years JvN ask also: do not be angry with... (do not reduce the chances and possibilities of Life of the other one).This Behaviour-AIM is to achieve as we develop the Society and the Law hand in hand. In this development the CHURCH has to be "a light for the World" (cf. you are the light of the world)
cf. the new letter of the Pope Francis: the joy of the Gospel. Why is the CCN in Namibia not well known as a promoter of new Laws and the custodian of the justiciary.

Because the CHURCH may be a "City on the Hill" - we ask the CHURCH, to develop the CHURCH-LAW...
A) the sinner, who regrets... is not excluded from the eucharistic table...
B) the priesthood is open for everyone who proves a vocation...
C) to pronounce the own understanding of the BIBEL is open for everyone...
D) It is the duty and the salvation of the Christian Community (Parishes and
    Dioceses) to find own forms of Liturgy and Diakonia.
E) It's the duty and our salvation if everyone decides to live his/her sexuality
    following his/her consience and out of respect for God, the partner and the
F) Everyone has to make a contribution to the Community-Life (it's a matter of
    negotiation) - but the  sacraments are "gratis" (grace!).
We have seen the Church in the old time as a rock; today the Church is a river;
a People of God on the way...   and we need quiet a great reformation if we like to
appear as "the sacrament of God" in our World of today!

"The Kingdom of God" means to transform the World (a new Heaven and a new Earth). Out of this insight the CHURCH has a duty and it's for our salvation that the Church is engaged with the Government and the Civil-Society. But exactly there she has to speak clear: Yes means yes; no means no!

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