Samstag, 12. Juli 2014

Where is the rich soil ??? / Mt 13.1-23

This parable is a very general one: 
"Imagine a sower going out to sow...the seed fell on the hard path, on the clean rock, among thorns, on rich soil... "
the consequences are evident; it's natural wisdom; nobody will not understand!

But Jesus knows: the message behind this clear parable is not understood by everyone because there are people they look without seeing, listen without hearing (understanding). That's the situation in the time of Jesus but also in the time of
Isaiah as well as today 2014!

"their ears are dull of hearing; they have shut their eyes for fear...
but they should see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts - and be converted, and be healed by me"

Who is today the addressee of this prophesy ? The Church, the bishops...
will they discover the flowers on the rich soil ??? sorry it's not the case:
a) they have introduced a Missal / English not to understand - destroying
    the Liturgy...   (the heartbeat of the Catholic Church)
b) they will decide over Christian-Family-Life and have any own Family-Life-
    experience...   but proclaiming "Family is the domestic Church".
c) They speak about corruption in politics but don't make public their own
   Diocesan "settlement of accounts".   transparency ?
d) they don't see why the Cath. Church is more and more empty...
e) they keep the baptised people begging: God may interfere...  instead of
   encouriging to tackle the problems with their own hands and hearts.

The seed is Jesus Christ - the whole Church knows this. And it's clear some
people are very rich soil - they actualize Jesus for our time...  but they are
not recongnized, not discovered - mabe only after death, to get the honour
of canonization / but to late for the actual Church !

The rich soil brings flowers and fruits in abundance...they are in the other garden...

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